Iraq is having an upswing in serious terror attacks - in large measure because of the announced withdrawal of US troops.
But the attacks are not the center of graphic negative headlines or grisly lead stories on the evening or morning "news" shows.
WHY NOT? Well, an ultra- liberal is in the White House now and the MSM doesn't want to rain on his parade.
And US troops are serving courageously in combat in Afghanistan and many are being killed.
But we don't see their photos of their coffins returning to Dover - and we don't hear a clamor for these photos from the Left.
And we don't hear the Left demand that Obama attend their funnels, either.
It proves that the Left - and the MSM they dominate - were totally full of crap when it comes to this stuff. That their attacks on Bush on these matters were totally unprincipled and purely partisan.

And that they care not one whit about Iraqis or even US troops dying on the front lines of WW4.
All the leftists want is "free" healthcare and a nannystate that'll provide them with an education and a pension - and which lets them behave like libertines.
And a government which shackles industry, the free market and people who are willing to take risks with their own capital.
Though not as violent - yet - these leftists are as big a threat to the Free World as the islamo-jihadists.

Via Cap & Trade and income tax surcharges to pay for national healthcare, and huge and thoroughly corrupt federal boondoggles - (whether they're called stimulus or earmarks or whatever) - they will bring the USA down as surely as a massive coordinated WMD attack.
And it will bring down our allies, too - if there are any left! (And there might not be: Obama has snubbed PM Brown and the QOE, and is screwing Israel and Honduras - and even the Iranian people who are fighting and dying to be free!)
And that makes Obama - as leader of the Left and POTUS - in effect the highest placed ENEMY AGENT since Al Hiss.
And the gravest threat to the West of all time.