So many thoughts come to mind when I think of Rosie. I'm a big fan and proponent of people being themselves, speaking their mind and being real. Somehow Rosie manages to do that in the most offensive way possible and it isn't admirable. I was trying to gather my thoughts about her and I realized it isn't just the ignorant, idiotic, left-wing political comments that offend me but so many others as well.
accused Kelly Ripa of being homophobic for not liking the fact that Clay Aiken put his hand over her mouth. First of all, Kelly Ripa seems to me to be one of the sweetest women in TV and she didn't deserve this ridiculous, personal attack. Second, I'm sorry, but I wouldn't care who they were, but someone who has the audacity to put their mouth over my hand while I'm hosting a show would tick me off too. It had nothing to do with him being gay, it was just an inappropriate thing for him to do and Ripa didn't like it.
Rosie just seems to say whatever comes to her mind and the problem with that is ugly, unfair and ignorant things are what apparently comes to her mind on a regular basis. She doesn't ever do her homework on the subjects she spouts off about and she attacks people that don't deserve to be attacked.
Her latest incident just shows how ignorant and scary she really is. Most rational women probably don't watch The View (I don't) but Walters would be smart to dump Rosie for someone who is more informed and a little less abrasive. Rosie is like a bulldozer who just runs over anyone and anything that gets in her way. She isn't open to rational debate, she isn't a team player and would probably fit in better as a blogger with The Daily Kos and/or a talk show host on Air America.