Saturday, August 13, 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016


It's stunning how many leftists there are in Twin Falls, Idaho, who're going out of their way to cover up for the Muslim children who raped a 5-year-old girl in the city:
The activists want to bring justice to a five-year-old American girl who was raped on June 2 by a group of refugee children as a 14-year-old refugee videotaped the horrible incident. Idaho activist Julie Ruf tells Breitbart News that statements made by Olson to protect the refugee community in the wake of rapes indicate she is unfit for the job of protecting the Constitution.

Julie Ruf has been working with the victim’s family since the rapes happened, trying to help get them both victim services and fair treatment by local authorities. The fight is an uphill climb for Ruf and other activists, as both local authorities and media members began attacking the group for expressing concerns about the dangers of the recent influx of Muslim refugees into the area.

A number of local businesses in the food processing industry use the refugee population as a source of cheap labor, and also receive financial incentives from both the state and federal government for employing refugees instead of Americans.

The Twin Falls activist expressed concerns about the brutal rape of the mentally challenged five-year-old, which included oral and anal penetration as well as the victim being urinated on by at least two of the boys. One concern of the local activists were recent headlines around the world about videotaped sexual assault involving Muslim refugees, such as the New Year’s Eve attack in Cologne, Germany.

U.S. Attorney Olson made a statement that appeared to threaten local activists with legal action for expressing their concern if that speech contain “false information.”
Read the rest, because it's already horrific enough that the attorney would have the sick gall to do that. The press coverage in the area is also horrific, and all reporters who called the girl's friends "racists" should be ostracized.

Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton have both been asked to visit the area, but with Hilary's record, I think it's better that just Donald pay a visit. This is very disturbing that practically a whole town governing system is corrupt enough to cover for sexual abuse, all because of money.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Trump Tower Climber Was Donald Trump Supporter; Pre-Recorded 'Vote Trump' Video

Cross-posted from American Power.


This is crazy!

Variety has the pre-recorded video, "Man Scales Trump Tower Using Suction Cups; Had Pre-Recorded Video Message: 'Get Out and Vote for Mr. Trump'."

And watch, via AP:

Also at ABC News, via Memeorandum, "Police Capture Man Climbing Trump Tower After Hours-Long Standoff."

Trump Says 'Second Amendment People' Can Stop Hillary's Supreme Court Picks (VIDEO)

Cross-posted from American Power.


It wasn't anything resembling a threat.

It's 100 percent clear he's referring to "Second Amendment people" as an interest group that would mobilize against Hillary Clinton on Supreme Court nominations.

But if Trump makes an off-the-cuff remark, leftists will pounce, and media lapdogs will regurgitate the lies.

And so it happened again today. On this one, though, I expect a lot of regular folks to be angry at how the media's spinning it.

So, FWIW, at the Wall Street Journal, "Donald Trump Says ‘Second Amendment People’ Can Stop Hillary Clinton From Curbing Gun Rights":

WILMINGTON, N.C.— Donald Trump, confounding the hopes of Republicans who want him to run a more measured presidential campaign, touched off another firestorm Tuesday with an off-the-cuff remark that critics interpreted as inciting violence against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

His comments, before a packed basketball arena here, came a day after he delivered an economic-policy speech in a Detroit hotel ballroom that many Republicans saw as a disciplined reboot amid falling poll numbers—including those released Tuesday in new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist polls.

Speaking at his rally here about how he claims Mrs. Clinton as president would undermine gun rights under the Second Amendment, Mr. Trump said, “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks.” He then added: “Although the Second Amendment people—maybe there is, I don’t know.”

The Clinton campaign declared his remarks “dangerous,” charging that they amounted to a call for an attack against his opponent. The Trump team quickly said it was an awkwardly worded call to mobilize gun owners as a political force before the election.

The Secret Service, in a tweet Tuesday afternoon, said only that it was “aware of the comments” made earlier in the day.

The latest flare-up over Mr. Trump’s penchant for provocative remarks comes at a precarious time for the New York businessman’s presidential bid. His standing in battleground states is slipping and GOP defections are continuing. On Tuesday, Maine Sen. Susan Collins announced she wouldn’t support him.

“He makes it harder every day to continue to support him,” said Ryan Williams, a former aide to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaigns who now works for the New Hampshire GOP. “It’s almost like he wants people to denounce him. He’s basically asking for it at this point. Donald Trump saying something crazy is becoming a daily occurrence like the sun rising or the weather.”

Mrs. Clinton has opened an 11-point lead in Pennsylvania and is inching ahead in closer races in Ohio and Iowa, according to the Journal/NBC/Marist polls.

Mrs. Clinton leads Mr. Trump among registered voters by 48% to 37% in Pennsylvania, where the Republican nominee will hold a campaign rally in Erie on Friday.

She has improved her position in that state since a Journal/NBC/Marist poll last month, when she led 45% to 36%. In Ohio, Mrs. Clinton broke last month’s tie and pulled ahead 43% to 38%, according to the new state poll. And in Iowa, Mrs. Clinton was ahead 41% to 37%, an edge little-changed from a month ago...
Keep reading.

Monday, August 08, 2016


The first Muslim to participate in the Olympics under US sponsorship complains she doesn't feel safe in America:
“[I feel unsafe] all the time. I had someone follow me home from practice and try to report me to police,” she said. “And this is right on 28th and 7th in New York City.”

“I’m very vocal about these things because I want people to know I’m not a novelty, I’m not special in any way, I’m a woman who wears hijab and these are my experiences,” Muhammad said.

Muhammad, who came second to Michael Phelps in the vote for who should carry the U.S. flag at the Opening Ceremony on Friday, said the country is at crossroads.

“I want people to know that as hard as [these racist incidents] are on me, they don’t come even close to things we’ve seen like the shooting in North Carolina or the rhetoric around the Khan family at the DNC. It’s ridiculous and we as a country have to change and I feel like this is our moment.”

Asked by the Daily Beast what she thought about Donald Trump’s contribution to Islamic relations in the U.S., she laughed and said: “Who? I’m sorry, what did you say? I don’t know him.”
Curious that she had nothing to say about the jihadist attacks in Orlando, Boston, San Bernardino and Chattanooga. All that matters to her is the Religion of Peace.

According to Hot Air, she's been disqualified from the competition by France's entrant, Cecelia Berder, and France could certainly use a victory after the terrible experience they had of recent. Unfortunately, it looks like Hilary Clinton is now using her as a political prop, exactly what she was surely hoping for.

Sunday, August 07, 2016


A large scandal's emerged as it turns out a so-called Christian charity named World Vision was donating the funds they got to Hamas:
A training base built by an Islamist terrorist group behind suicide bombings and mass shootings was allegedly funded by British aid.

The compound in the north of the Gaza Strip is operated by the military wing of Hamas.

It is fitted with sophisticated communications equipment for surveillance and is an entry point to secret tunnels used to smuggle weapons and launch attacks on Israel.

There are also buildings used to train gunmen with the Qassam Brigades, which claims to have 10,000 members in Gaza and has been behind rocket attacks on Israel, the kidnap of Israeli soldiers and a series of bloody attacks.

Israel says money from British taxpayers was funnelled to Hamas to build the base by a senior Palestinian official with World Vision, a major Christian charity that has been handed millions of pounds by the UK's Department for International Development (Dfid).

Shin Bet, Israel's intelligence agency, has arrested the official, Mohammad el Halabi, on charges of infiltrating World Vision and aiding terrorists. Israel believe he passed £33 million intended to relive poverty to Hamas to pay its salaries and train its troops.
But how do we know they had nothing to do with it? If World Vision's management is guilty, then they too should be avoided by all sane people. This is truly despicable, and the faux-charity will have to be held accountable no matter what.