Saturday, February 17, 2007

Australia: Therapy plan for terror suspects

A bit bizarre, but treating Islamic terrorism as a mental illness has much to recommend it:
TERROR suspects could be given taxpayer-funded counselling for being angry or having low self-esteem. Under the proposal, the Federal Government would provide psychological counselling and anger management support to terror suspects and those subject to control orders. But secrecy surrounds the initiative because the Australian Federal Police has refused to reveal the specifics of its proposal.

Scant details were released through a Federal Government question on notice. "Some of the options considered include religious education, psychological support and assistance with issues such as anger management, low self-esteem, social identity and family separation," the AFP said, responding to a question on voluntary education programs for terrorists. "The AFP continues to examine how education and counselling may be used within the context of control orders. "Programs developed overseas in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia are also being examined as part of broader AFP considerations." The AFP refused to say how much the program would cost....
(For more postings from me, see POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS, DISSECTING LEFTISM . Email me (John Ray) here.)

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