Thursday, June 08, 2006


Continuing his campaign to build support for comprehensive immigration legislation, President Bush on Wednesday emphasized that illegal immigrants who want to stay here should learn English and demonstrate that they are committed to assimilating into American culture.
Founding Fathers, 1776: No taxation without represenation.
Reliapundit, 2006: No immigration withut assimilation.

We have to make English the OFFICIAL language of the USA and all state and federal activities, and forms.

I NEVER EVER want to have to "press one for English" again!

ADDENDUM: Assimilation doesn't mean HOMOGENIETY or the end of pluralism, and diversity - as some on the Left misconstrue in the comments section. It means the end of multicultuarlism and of disintegrative forces. REMEMBER: Even the French Left admitted that one reason they had those HORRIFYING RIOTS was because they do such a HORRIBLE job at ASSIMILATING immigrants. We can do better, too. And those who argue that Mexicans CAN'T assimilate are the real racists - peddling their soft racism of lowered expectations. I think Mexicans can assimilate - if we demand it, and that they'll contribute even more to our economy and our USA culture then they alreadt contribute if they do assimliate. We need MORE ASSIMILATION from them, and English FIRST is where we should start.

ALSO: here's what I wrote a long time ago about AMERICAN CULTURE - (BTW: if you GOOGLE "american cultural hegemony" you get this article FIRST!):
The strength of American culture - so-called - is that it is FREE TO EVOLVE HOWEVER THE PEOPLE WANT IT TO EVOLVE. It absorbs whatever it wants from wherever it wants for as long as it wants - and "it" is the people, the "marketplace" if you prefer.

Within this ever-evolving culture, people are of course free to maintain enclaves of whatever they wish: they can be more devout & conservative (like 50's greasers, or Amish), or they can be xenophiles (like Woody Allen and Michael Moore and their fixation on the pre-eminence of French culture), or they can even be trekkies. This is because a FREE culture doesn't demand that everybody tows the line - heterogeneity and pluralism are fine in an open culture. That's why it evolves. America's culture is open-sourced and free; anti-American elitists are closed-minded and dictatorial.

And, that's why the LAND OF THE FREE is the home of world culture: because here the public determines what culture is (at any given moment) - and not members of the Academy or Mullahs or aristocrats of any stripe.

That's democracy of culture, and like democracy in the political realm: it only frightens tyrants. As well it should.

Leftists are basically statists who want the state to pre-determine outcomes in the marketplace, and one CHIEF way Leftists have always done this is to allocate goods to people based on which groups they belong to. If people assimilate they become LESS a part of any group and this make them less susceptible to these kinds of Leftist statist schemes.

The Right believes that the marketplace is the most accurtate a fair allocator of goods and services, and that each person should be treated according to their character and ability and not membership in any group or class or race. Human Rights are INDIVIDUAL, and not dependent on an individuals membership in any group. In a fair and open society, people jn one group should not have more - or less - rights than any other persons. That's why we want assimilation and an end to affirmative action. BOTH ARE RACIST. And Leftist. BOTOM-LINE: today's reactionary Left is the home of racism and anti-Semitism.