Monday, November 01, 2004

Another reason why Jewish voters should vote Bush

Fully ONE-QUARTER of the Congressional Democrats vote consistently anti-Israel.
The Democratic Leadership of the Congress - especially Nancy Pelosi - owe their jobs to the CBC and they are all BEHOLDEN to the CBC.
The Leadership of the Democrats in Congress CANNOT afford to lose the support of the CBC. They can afford to lose the support of the pro-Israel lobby - which has been very supportive of George W, Bush, and is now split nearly 60%-%-40% in favor of the Democrats - a figure that this election may show has changed even more greatly.
Against this backdrop (of increasing strength of anti-Israel bloc in the Democratic Congressional Caucus, and decreasing "knee-jerk" support by Jewish voters for any Democrat candidate), is this FACT:
the MOST SALIENT part of Kerry's foreign policy: he will be more internationalist.
That means Kerry will work more closely with - and agree more with/capitulate to - the UN (which is anti-Israel) the EU (which is pro-Arafat and anti-Israel) and France (which is the home of the new anti-Semitism in Europe) and Germany.
The only way for Kerry to do this - and NOT lose precious Democratic support in the Congress is to DUMP ISRAEL.
This proves that Krauthammer is right. And it's another reason Jewish voters should not voter for Kerry.

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