I dicovered veteran GI Joe comics writer Hama commented on the
Hamas abominations against Israeli victims on the
12th of October, with the following:
And I may as well post the text plain below too, along with some screencaps:
How do certain people equate deliberately murdering children and decapitating babies with the targeting of terrorist infrastructure that results in collateral death of civilians? How do you ignore intent?
I'd really like to appreciate that he recognizes that
gory murders of infants are repulsive and inexcusable. But then, he dampened the impact with a response to somebody offering a perceptive viewpoint. First, what the respondent says:
Because the pathological belief that the Palestinians are oppressed underdogs rather than what they are- a generalized menace to the region.
A very perceptive viewpoint. But, what did Hama say in return? This is, quite honestly, disappointing:
I think the Palestinians have as legitimate a beef as Native Americans. And I think the current Israeli government should not be confused with the Israeli people. Every single Israeli I know personally hates Netenyahu. Nothing good has ever come of partition. It is a complex issue, rife with what-aboutisms, and bad players on both sides. But, the creeps who are cheering for people who cut the heads off infants are pieces of shit in my book. We dealt with Calley and Medina. If you don't police your own bad apples, you are no better than them.
I wonder why he doesn't have the courage to verify whether the Israelis he knows are as left-wing as he is? That's the problem with men of his sort, they won't look beyond those they already know, nor do they consider
what the Koran's built upon. He also takes a viewpoint that ignores a sizable majority elected the parties comprising the current Israeli government, denies any validity to
Israel's historical residency in areas like Gaza, and even clearly buys into the
propaganda first begun in the mid-20th century of a "palestinian people" of Arab/Islamic background. He might also want to consider even Indians of the north American continent
have blame to shoulder for being part of slavemongering against Blacks. But if he believes in the vitality of policing your own side, does he have any complaints about how leftists are failing to do so, when there's
universities allowing horrific movements to dominate there, and turning their backs on Jewish targets? Not to mention the continuing deterioration of USA
cities under Democrat control, including New York City, and even Philadelphia and Chicago, to name but some. Hama's apparent disinterest in considering all these issues and commenting on them unambiguously is only prolonging the problem. Which includes even
Ta-Nehisi Coates, who signed onto a letter supporting Hamas. If Hama's worried about whether the left pays attention to its own, will he complain how this despicable man was/is still allowed to write mainstream comics? The commentor said:

The problem with the Palestinians as a group is they have backstabbed every Arab government thar ever tried helping them out. Jordan invited them in, and they thanked King Hussein by almost getting them into another war with the Israelis then trying to assassinate him twice. Black September, 1970.
Then Jordan's expulsion of the PLO dumped them in Lebanon, which started their civil war and doomed them as a country.
The Egyptians already have a jihadi problem and rightfully refuse to import more.
So the Palestinians have to accept, but won't, that their own leaders have sold them out for fifty years, Arafat alone having stole billions, Hamas and Hez are Iranian puppets, and they're going to get used as cannon fodder in a war that may get them all killed.
Which sucks, but even the Israelis who felt bad for them don't care after this.
While there are some impressive points to be made here, I still can't help but wonder if even this particular respondent isn't as well-informed as he could be, which dampens the impact of this too as a result. Another said:
It's impossible to empathize with anyone that commits the atrocities that Hamas has committed. I just don't see where they see this going. What support they had is surely reduced as the world unites by the horrors committed.
It definitely should be, but there's still alarming portions who support these abominations around the world,
even in Britain, and that's just the beginning. It's also crucial to consider how the Democrats welcomed
delegates like Rashida Tlaib into their ranks. Here's another reply to Hama:
Everything I know about the region and its troubles pointed to fault on BOTH sides....UNTIL....Saturday's events and the following days...
I was willing to listen to both sides....I'm not now. Murdering babies...nearly 40 babies I'm told, means that any complexity in the issue just got a whole lot simpler....fuck Hamas....light them up.
One more person so far says:
I believe people cherry pick the facts that fit the narrative they want it to be
Something leftists like Hama have to consider. His continued associations with the left in any way after horrors like this only makes this all the more galling and deplorable, and will not improve the situations at hand. I've got a sad feeling that despite all he says, he won't ever travel to Israel specifically to meet with anybody considered right-wing, let alone religious/Zionist, may not even meet with
victims of Islamic terrorism, nor will he ever study
the Koran's contents, or even publicly condemn far-leftists unambiguously. All because his stature as a GI Joe writer, or even the most significant writer for Wolverine's 1st volume, is apparently so important he must remin within the left's "good graces" for eternity. At least, that's what people like him seem to believe.
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