Monday, March 15, 2021

Interpol drops warrant for jihadist Tamimi

Interpol's caused severe offense by canceling a warrant for the arrest of Ahlam Tamimi, one of the jihadists who committed murder at the site of a Sbarro pizza store in Jerusalem 2 decades ago:
Outrage erupted on Sunday after it was revealed that Interpol had dropped its international warrant for Palestinian terrorist Ahlam Tamimi, who was involved in the 2001 suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizza parlor in Jerusalem that killed 15 people, including American citizen Malki Roth.

Tamimi was serving over a dozen life sentences in an Israeli prison when she was freed in 2011, as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange. She lives in Jordan, which has refused to extradite her to the United States for trial.

She remains listed as a “most wanted terrorist” by the FBI

The Times of Israel reported on March 12 that Interpol had dropped the international warrant, saying Tamimi was no longer “subject to an Interpol notice.” Tamimi’s picture was also taken off Interpol’s most wanted list. [...]

Malki Roth’s father Arnold called Interpol’s move “blunt and unwelcome” on the family’s blog, and said the international group had “succumbed to pressure from the fugitive’s family, lawyers, and clan in Jordan.”

“My wife and I will not give up in our efforts to see this loathsome person — the embodiment of murderous bigotry — eventually brought to justice to answer for her crimes,” he pledged.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Director for International Relations, Dr. Shimon Samuels, sent a letter to Interpol’s secretary-general urging him to reverse the decision, noting that Tamimi “has publicly shown lack of remorse and claimed her pride for this attack.”
I'd say this is another example of the loss of morale the world's undergoing after Donald Trump was sadly robbed of reelection last year. Now, even Interpol's caving to the distasteful monsters who committed heinous crimes years before.

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