Thursday, August 06, 2020

Democrats continue to ignore and obscure slavery of Black Africans in Islamic countries

Bare Naked Islam has an item by a writer who points out how the Democrats, a party founded by slavemongers, keeps on ignoring and virtually obscuring the enslavement of Black Africans by modern Muslim slave owners in north Africa:
The Democratic Party was formed in 1792 as “…the White Man’s Party,” to serve the financial interests of Southern plantation owners. These wealthy overlords established a system which deprived Black slaves of their dignity, their families, and their civil rights. They were property, to be bought and sold, whipped, castrated, and lynched to enforce their brutal subjugation.

Although Jefferson Republicans and others worked for the abolition of slavery, particularly in the new western territories, their efforts were always blocked in Congress by Southern Democrats, who refused to be persuaded by arguments of compassion and common human decency. Southern slave owners claimed to be acting with the approval of God, and their warped version of the Christian faith.

Islam was founded around 670 by Mohammed, and by some strange coincidence, his Allah “god” also sanctioned slavery. He had a lot in common with the Democrats of the Old South! This is what Allah commanded Mohammed in Sura 33:50: “Prophet, it is lawful for you to possess the wives for whom you have paid dowries, and the slave girls you have taken as the spoils of war.” The Koran clearly teaches that rape and slavery are divinely ordained. The Hadiths, which recount the deeds of Mohammed and his sayings, also instructed Muslims that having slaves was approved by their “god…” Mohammed was a prosperous slave owner.

Hadith Sahih Bukhari Vol. 7 #137 recounts that Muslim warriors took female slaves, and sexually abused them. Aisha, the six-year-old bride of Mohammed, whom he raped when she was nine, was reported to have said that Al-Abbas, a Muslim nobleman, had many slaves. (Sahih Bukhari 5-50)

And in our times, Muslims continue to trade in slaves, mostly Blacks from Sub-Saharan Africa. Open Doors, the U.N., and the Global Slavery Index, estimate that over 860,000 Blacks are slaves in Algeria, Libya, Mauretania, and Sudan. Their Arab masters control them with horrific brutality. These Black captives endure forced labor, sexual abuse, and soul-destroying degradation. Saudi Arabia is a prime market for slaves, and slave markets operate openly in many Saudi cities.
Yet all this is obscured by virtually every phony among the left. It's truly sickening that the Democrat party continues to operate in Congress till this day.

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