Saturday, April 10, 2010


Let's count up all Obama's many successes - so far:

Ummmmmmmmmm... let's see now... er, um...

  • He gave Iran that September ultimatum he promised us during the campaign and they disarmed. NOT.
  • He won the Chicago Olympics bid. NOT.
  • He negotiated a great Global Climate Law in Copenhagen and saved the planet. NOT.
  • He improved out relations with Britain, Poland, the Czech Republic, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, Mexico, Italy and France - and Israel, Honduras, and Columbia. NOT.
  • He got tough with Putin's Russia and negotiated new treaties with them which strengthen us. NOT.
  • He closed Gitmo. NOT.
  • He helped the democracy movements in Cuba and Iran. NOT.
  • Lowered unemployment and got the economy moving again. NOT.
  • Passed a very popular and simple health care plan which has a public option, lowers costs, lowers the deficit and improves medical care and immediately expands coverage to another 30 million people. NOT.
  • Increased transparency in government. NOT.
  • Moved us to a post-racial society. NOT.
  • Got the Middle East peace process moving along nicely. NOT.
OMG: Obama is a total f**king failure.



EXIT QUESTIONS: Why are so many Democrats and liberals and leftists willing to fall on their swords for this total effin' failure? They seem to be willing to follow him to the gates of Hell? WHY?!??!

I think there are three reasons:

(1) He's black, and liberals and leftists want the first black president to BE a success. So they call his failure successes and cut him slack

(2) Liberals and leftists also know that deep down inside, Obama is a hardcore life-long leftist, so they are willing to cut him a lot more slack.

(3) They know that control by the left of the three branches - and especially Congress and the White House - is a once in a generation thing, so they are willing to take whatever socialistic laws they can get while they can.

Things will change the November!

I think the cynical and utterly corrupt Obama thinks that his re-election chances might improve after the GOP retakes Congress.

I think the Chicago Machine is ready to run Obama against Congress in 2012.

We will slaughter him in 2012. too.


On second thought, I too would follow Obama to the Gates of Hell - but only to toss him in, lock it and throw away the key!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, you make his short career seem very...bleak. But, to respond to some of your statements: Did George Bush do any of these things? Did he even try to stop the war? Of course not, because its not something the President can do alone; the whole system MUST help him. You are putting the blame on the shoulders of one person, when it, most assuredly, should rest on some, if not all, of the members of our government. When FDR tried to help the people during the Great Depression, did he succeed; partially, but it was WW1 that truly brought us out of the Depression. Though I may be a liberal, I can see that he did make some wrong decisions,however, that is very much in the making of being a President, no? You are speaking from a one-sided point of view. In having a good point, you need to broaden your horizons.