Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Another Rude Awakening (Steyn comments on Hillary's Win in PA)

Regardless of the mantra we are hearing ad-infinitum these days from big media and the ultra-left of the Democrat Party, i.e. that Obama has more delegates and votes (not counting Michigan and Florida), and therefore Hillary should simply step aside, despite his not having enough to win at the convention--and having prevailed in NO large states so critical to an electoral victory.

Today--in a very astute observation--Mark Steyn points out that it really is Obama who is looking like the biggest loser now.

As an observer to this Keystone Cops campaign, it is an amazing scene to behold: when I "crossed over" in Texas to vote for Hillary, it was because I thought Obama would be the more difficult of the two for McCain to defeat in the General Election; but not anymore. I I think if Obama is the nominee, it very well might result in a Republican landslide in the fall. The luster has come completely off of the "fresh"mythical Obama who is "above" petty politics and the smartest man on earth. The truth is out now. That truth may well be too late to derail his nomination; but Obama is playing defense almost all the time now--and not playing it well. He has cancelled his North Carolina debate with Hillary, and one gets the impression that it is more out of fear of losing ground than any other consideration. Meanwhile the General Election--with debates against an opponent who is as seasoned in debates as one can be--loom ahead.

If you think about what Steyn is saying here about Obama, its truth is like throwing cold water on the myth of the Messianic Obama. And there are miles and miles and miles to go before he sleeps:

Hillary muses:

Speaking to reporters in Conshohocken, Pa., today, Clinton rejected that common argument, saying "a win is a win."

"But maybe I'm old fashioned about that. But you run a very competitive race at a considerable financial disadvantage. I think maybe the question ought to be why can't he close the deal?"

Which is a fair question. He's the new face in a party that loves new faces (as long as they peddle the same old cobwebbed policies), and he's cool and glamorous, to boot. She's a divisive figure with high negatives who's fought an inept campaign with far worse press coverage hobbled by a blundering hubby who's turned the buy-one-get-two double-act into a pantomime horse with two rear ends. Why can't he close the deal? The Vodka Pundit suggests:

If the Democrats ran a winner-take-all system like the Republicans and the Electoral College do, she’d have this thing clinched — and Obama would look like a regional candidate who can’t win much outside the South and his home state of Illinois.

Instead, the race goes on and on and the candidates get weaker and weaker and without an end in sight.

There's some truth in that, beyond the Dem system. Where is Barack's Mobamamentum?

Welcome to the "Perfect Storm" we've all been hoping for...

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