Saturday, July 21, 2007


Over at the Brussels Journal,I saw a link to a quote from Khudayr Taher which they are not allowed to publish on their blog under Belgian law.

Intrigued, I followed the link and here is the astonishing quote from this Muslim living in the U.S. which we are still, under Australian law, allowed to publish:

Khudayr Taher: Europe and America Should Deport All Muslims - Including Myself

Khudayr Taher, an Iraqi Shi'ite writer living in the U.S. and a regular contributor to the liberal Elaph website, had a quite illiberal suggestion - he asked why Europe and America shouldn't deport their Muslim populations. He wrote:

"Countries have the right to defend themselves and assure their citizens' safety from terrorism. Likewise, it is clear that the source of the terrorist crimes in Europe and America is the Muslims who live in these countries.

"The security services cannot know people's intentions and sort out who is the noble immigrant and who is a terrorist criminal. [But] wherever there are Muslims, their presence has produced crimes of terrorism and murder.

"Among those Muslims in Europe and America who do not practice terrorism, most of them do not have loyalty and sincere attachment to these countries that have offered them all of the means of life in dignity - housing, studies, work, and citizenship…

"The legitimate question is this: Since the security services cannot sort out the good immigrant from the bad terrorist… why don't these countries deport all Muslims, of all races, from Europe and America, and [thus] find rest from the danger of terrorism, and protect their peoples?

"I, as an Arab Muslim immigrant, sincerely call on the countries of Europe and America to deport all Muslims from their territories - including myself, despite my love and my sincere attachment to the U.S…"

What blows me away about all this is of course, firstly the amazing honesty of Khudayr Taher, who I would say is a far better citizen than the likes of Cindy Sheehan and co. but secondly that Brussels Journal is not allowed to publish this quote under Belgian Law. There will come a time in the not-too-distant-future that the whole of the internet will be standardized. We all know it.

Cross posted here


Incognito said...

It's incumbent upon us to at least go down fighting!

How outrageous, that they'd censor a comment even coming from a Muslim!

Aurora said...

Incognito said It's incumbent upon us to at least go down fighting!
Naturally! And spoken like a true patriot. :)