The hatred in Turkey for Armenians is still present, as the following report can tell:
Reliapundit adds: LGF reports (via NRO/Corner) that MORE than Turkish nationalism was the cause of the murder:
Complete round up at MEMEORANDUM.
Police on Saturday detained a teenager suspected of slaying an ethnic Armenian journalist, acting on a tip from the boy’s father after his picture was broadcast on Turkish television, senior officials said. Ogun Samast, who is either 16 or 17, was caught on a bus in the Black Sea city of Samsun, said Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He was traveling, apparently from Istanbul back to his hometown of Trabzon, said Istanbul Gov. Muammer Guler.Ahem. It WAS genocide, more on which is noted below. The teen has now confessed to the crime:
Samast was wanted in connection with the killing of Hrant Dink, a 52-year-old editor of the Turkish Armenian newspaper Agos. Dink was gunned down Friday outside his newspaper’s office in Istanbul.
Most Turks assume Dink was targeted for his columns saying the killing of ethnic Armenians by Turks in the early 20th century was genocide. Nationalists consider such statements an insult to Turkey’s honor and a threat to its unity, and Dink had been showered with insults and threats.
The teenage boy suspected of fatally shooting an ethnic Armenian journalist confessed during initial questioning that he killed the man, a local prosecutor told a state-run news agency on Sunday. Ahmet Cokcinar - a prosecutor in the city of Samsun, where the boy was caught - told the Anatolia news agency that the teenager confessed to killing Hrant Dink.It just shows how Turkey is still comprised of largely a bad lot, if they won't be honest about the facts regarding the Armenian genocide.
Ogun Samast, who is either 16 or 17 years old, was caught Saturday after police acted on a tip from the boy's father after his picture was broadcast on Turkish television, senior officials said. Samast was caught on a bus as he was apparently traveling from Istanbul, where the shooting took place, back to his hometown of Trabzon, Istanbul Gov. Muammer Guler said. [...]
Turkey's relationship with its Armenian minority has long been haunted by a bloody past. Much of its once-influential Armenian population was killed or driven out beginning around 1915 in what an increasing number of nations are calling the first genocide of the 20th century.
Turkey acknowledges that large numbers of Armenians died but vehemently denies it was genocide, saying the overall figure is inflated and the deaths occurred in the civil unrest during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
Reliapundit adds: LGF reports (via NRO/Corner) that MORE than Turkish nationalism was the cause of the murder:
Maybe the Assassination in Turkey Was Done for Religious Motives? [Michael Ledeen] -- From Little Green Footballs:
The assassination of Turkish-Armenian writer Hrant Dink is being universally portrayed as ethnic strife, a political act by Turkish nationalists against an Armenian critic. Call me Mr. Suspicious, but when I see the entire media monolith pushing an idea like that with so much enthusiasm, I start looking for the real explanation. And the real explanation, as with so many of these media smokescreens, is jihad. Turkish-Armenian editor shot dead in Istanbul. (Hat tip: Paul.)The MSM is systematically downplays jihadism in all attacks globally; WHY?! Because it just doesn't fit in with their warped post modern Leftist worldview: which is that Judeo-Christian/Western Civilization is the main thing wrong with the world, (the cause of most genocide, Third World poverty, and global warming). Anything which distracts from this - their "party line" - is censored.NTV television said Dink had been shot three times in the head and neck.This little piece of essential information is now being excised from all wire service and media reports.
Muharrem Gozutok, a restaurant owner near the newspaper, said the assailant looked about 20, wore jeans and a cap and shouted “I shot the non-Muslim” as he left the scene.
Complete round up at MEMEORANDUM.
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