Thursday, January 25, 2007


Global warming could exacerbate the world's rich-poor divide and help to radicalize populations and fan terrorism in the countries worst affected, security and climate experts said on Wednesday.

"We have to reckon with the human propensity for violence," Sir Crispin Tickell, Britain's former ambassador to the United Nations, told a London conference on "Climate Change: the Global Security Impact."

"Violence within and between communities and between nation states, we must accept, could possibly increase, because the precedents are all around." He cited Rwanda and Sudan's Darfur region as two examples where drought and overpopulation, relative to scarce resources, had helped to fuel deadly conflicts.

Experts at the conference hosted by the Royal United Services Institute said it was likely that global warming would create huge flows of refugees as people tried to escape areas swamped by rising sea levels or rendered uninhabitable by desertification.

Tickell said terrorists were likely to seek to exploit the tensions created.

"Those who are short of food, those who are short of water, those who can't move to countries where it looks as if everything is marvelous are going to be people who are going to adopt desperate measures to try and make their point."


John Mitchell, chief scientist at Britain's Met Office, noted al Qaeda had already listed environmental damage among its litany of grievances against the United States.

"You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries," al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden wrote in a 2002 "letter to the American people."
He makes no mention of the fact that Darfur and d Sudan are on-going islamo-wars. As are nearly all the wars in the world today.

FACT: Globally, there have been more than 7000 jihadoterrorist attacks SINCE 9/11. None have anything to do with climate change, or poverty.

Convergence between the Left/eco-nutsies and jihadism is not novel. It is a NATURAL ALLIANCE. WHY?! Simple: the basic affinity that the Left has with the jihadism is based on the fact that both are opposed to modernity, and both revile traditional Judeo-Christian/Western Civilization.

Both the post modern Left and the jihadists see the J-C West as bad; (the relativist Left even seemingly makes an exception to their relativism in order to assert that the J-C West is truly and absolutely bad). Typical of this anti-Judeo-Christian West attitude is the fact that so many on the Left either equate Christian fundamentalists with jihadoterrorists and/or fear Bush and Falwell more than Binalden and Zawahiri. The post modern Left blames the J-C West for the what they feel are the worst acts in all of human history: Third World poverty, most of humanity's genocide, and global warming.

Each if the charges the Left levels at the J-C West are demonstrably false. (Even if one believes that global warming is caused by man, the emerging Third World nations of China and India are just as "guilty" of creating atmospheric CO2 as is the USA and the West, but the Left and Kyoto gives them a free ride and ZERO criticism. This proves that it's more about being anti-USA/J-C West than anyhting else.) Additionally, the Third World committed more genocide than the West, And their poverty was not caused by the West.

The jihadists blame the West for the sad state of affairs inside the former Caliphate.

The Leftists and jihadists are united in their hatred of the J-C West, and the since the USA is the defender of the J-C West they hate the USA. (FURTHER PROOF OF THIS CONVERGENCE: The recent attack on the USA embassy in Greece was done by Leftists acting on behalf of Muslims.)

Like the jiahdoterrorists, the post modern Left wants to destroy the J-C West by bringing down the USA - only the Left wants to accomplish this through their Gramscian agenda (which we have posted on extensively at TAB). OF COURSE: they are willing to appease the jihadists if this will HURT the USA an the West; chastise the West, if you prefer.

The jihadists want the West to become dhimmis and withdraw from all lands which were ever muslim. And they will do anything within their means to accomplish this: including starting a nuclear holocaust.

The Left is the enemy within, and - because they are also a Fifth Column of the jihadist enemy - until we defeat them, we will not be able to defeat the jihadists abroad. This is a big challenge, because the MSM and the academy and a few key bureaucracies (CIA, FBI, State) are dominated by the post modern Left. Defeating the Left is even tougher in Europe where the post modern Left is even more entrenched in the MSM, the academy andf the bureaucracies; (SEE: BRUCE BAWER).

Basically, the USA Left has been anti-USA since Truman broke with Stalin. The Left supported the USA during WW2 ONLY because FDR was allied with Stalin. The Left has opposed the USA in every war since WW2. Iraq is just another in a long line of wars the Left wanted us to lose: Korea; the Bay of Pigs; Vietnam; Nicaragua; Grenada, the Gulf War; Panama; and Iraq. (Many also opposed the Afghan War - arguing it was about gas or oil or the deliberate starvation of Afghanis.)

WHERE DOES THAT LEAVE US? Well, about 30% of the USA public are OK - hawkish and pro-West and positive about Judeo-Christian civilization. About 30% are Leftie secular doves - Gramscian or their dupes. And about 15% are unreachable apathetic people who basically don't give a damn about politics or history. And then there's the indecisive 15% - "FREE-REANGERS". These folks blow with the wind: when the news from Iraq is bad, then they oppose the war.

In addition to attacking the jihadists with everything we've got, in addition to attacking the post modern Left with everything we've got, we have to do whatever we can to reach THIS last group. But without an objective MASS MEDIA it's a very VERY tough problem. WHY?! Well this 15% are the folks who get their news and take their cues from the MSM's TV news, which takes its cues from the Gramscian NYTIMES.

Fox cable has helped, but the cable audience is 1/20th the size of the broadcast audience and there's still not enough convergence between Fox and news-talk radio and blogs and podcasts to make up this distance. If we're ever going to liberate this 15% from the stranglehold of an MSM dominated by the post modern Left, then we're gonna have to create synergies between these three mediums to reach the masses and to undercut the Leftist lies and propaganda of the MSM.

[BTW: The polices which the Left advocates on behalf of the impoverished Third World are ALL BAD. If we really want to cure Third World poverty then we need to help INDUSTRIALIZE the Third World and get them to introduce more free market capitalism and more globalization. It's what works. The policies which the Left advocates DO NOT. Only when China and India gave up on Leftist economics and began to thrive.]

Others blogging this convergence between eco-nutsies and islamo-nazis: LGF and Jihad Watch.

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