Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer released this statement tonight responding to Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi's announcement that she would support Rep. John Murtha for House Majority Leader:JUST HOW CLOSE ARE PELOSI AND MURTHA??? THIS CLOSE:Nancy told me some time ago that she would personally support Jack. I respect her decision as the two are very close.
PELOSI-GATE BEGINS... or it would if the MSM was unbiased and fair...Murtha steered business to HIS BROTHER'S LOBBYING FIRM - KSA - and helped Pelosi get a big project for her district which DIRECTLY BENEFITTED A RELATIVE OF HERS.KJ Lopez of NRO's THE CORNER linked to a JUNE 13, 2005 LA TIMES article about just such an impending investigation: LATIMES (this link is to an anti-Bush blog which excerpted the article; the actual article has"mysteriously" disappeared from the LATIMEs own website) -LATIMES: "When Congress passed the $417-billion Pentagon spending bill last ear, Rep. John P. Murtha, the top Democrat on the House defense appropriations subcommittee, boasted about the money he secured to create jobs in his Pennsylvania district.ROLL CALL put it this way:
But the bill Murtha helped write also benefited at least 10 companies represented by a lobbying firm where his brother, Robert "Kit" Murtha, is a senior partner, according to disclosure records, interviews and an analysis of the bill by The Times."Republican lawmakers say that ties between Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) and his brother's lobbying firm, KSA Consulting, may warrant investigation by the House ethics committee...Murtha also flexed his muscles with the DOD to get his boss, Pelosi a big DOD deal for her district:
According to a June 13 article in The Los Angeles Times, the fiscal 2005 defense appropriations bill included more than $20 million in funding for at least 10 companies for whom KSA lobbied. Carmen Scialabba, a longtime Murtha aide, works at KSA as well. KSA directly lobbied Murtha's office on behalf of seven companies, and a Murtha aide told a defense contractor that it should retain KSA to represent it, according to the LA Times.
In early 2004, Murtha reportedly leaned on U.S. Navy officials to sign a contract to transfer the Hunters Point Shipyard to the city of San Francisco, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. A company called Lennar Inc. had right to the land, and Laurence Pelosi, nephew to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), was an executive with the firm at that time.
Murtha also inserted earmarks in defense bills that steered millions of dollars in federal research funds toward companies owned by children of fellow Pennsylvania Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D).The agreement came a few weeks after the Navy sent Newsom a letter saying that it was having doubts about going ahead with an agreement that was announced with great fanfare in Washington in January 2002 by Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, then-Mayor Willie Brown and Navy Secretary Gordon England.
When he was in Washington last Wednesday, Newsom met in the Capitol offices of Pelosi, the House minority leader, with Pelosi, Navy Assistant Secretary Hansford T. Johnson, representatives of California Democratic Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, and Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., a big gun brought in by Pelosi to convince the Navy the time for delays had passed.
Murtha, the powerful ranking Democrat on the House military appropriations subcommittee, made it clear to the Navy that he wanted a binding agreement signed by Wednesday. Another meeting was held in Pelosi's offices Wednesday, minus Newsom, and the Navy signed the accord.
11/13 UPDATE: Welcome PJM and CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS readers. And thanks to them both for doing their bit to make sure that the corrupt Pelosi and Murtha are held accountable.
As typical of you, this is vastly overblown.
Of course, with a Republican House and Republican, Boy Ney and Duke Cunningham have already been sent to prison, Tom Delay reprimanded for ethics violations 3 times (twice unanimously), etc., and the Abramoff investigations continue.
Please go read one of your own links in full. The bottom line is that Republicans (when they were in power) didn't even think this was worth investigating.
If investigations are to be held into old allegations, perhaps we should start with Roy Blunt.
And a major part of this story, that Murtha wrote a letter to convince the Navy to move ahead with a project. Oh My God. What an incredible crime. If this is the best you guys have after years of pork, K-Street projects, and Jack Abramoff. Whether you like disctict-centric projects or don't like them, if we investigated every Congressman that brought home pork, Congress would do nothing else.
I should also note that this claim, "this link is to an anti-Bush blog which excerpted the article; the actual article has "mysteriously" disappeared from the LATIMEs own website" is just plain ignorant scare-mongering. If it weren't for the original LA Times article, there wouldn't have been a story in the first place. Of course, the LA Times puts most of its older articles in it's pay archive (including this one). What part of "Free archives of stories are maintained for one week on latimes.com" don't you understand?
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