Segolene Royal will be the French Socialists presidential candidate at elections next year, after a clear victory over two rivals in a vote. The 53-year-old hopes to become France's first woman leader. She beat former Finance Minister Dominique Strauss-Kahn and ex-Prime Minister Laurent Fabius without needing a second round of voting.She did this despite doing terribly in all SIX debates. YUP: most observers say she finished third - that is LAST - in ALL SIX! She sucked BIGTIME! So... why'd she win the nod!? IMHO, she won because the French Left is like the Left everywhere else: since the collapse of the USSR, and the ascendancy of formerly socialist countries which have adopted free markets - all the Left has left is identity politics and the exaltation of victimhood. More here. (BTW: she is the un-married mother of four; she has a "domestic partner" - who's another leader in the Party)
ALSO: I think she won because her two main rivals - Dominique Straus-Kahn and Laurnet Fabius - are JEWISH, and the French Left - like the Left everywhere else - is the 2nd home of anti-Semitism; (the first home is Islam. Proof of this is the fact that Jospin lost his bid to become president because - just before the campaign began, and while travelling in Israel - he called Hizballah a terrorist group. This led to an outcry from comrades and the splintering of the Left and his third place finish.)
If elected, Segolene will become the least experienced chief exec of any European nation. But perhaps the cutest. I think - and hope and pray - that Sarkozy defeats her. Not just for the sake France, but for the sake of the entire West. France must turnback the creeping islamization of her nation. Time is running out... More HERE. AND NOW HERE, TOO.
She might have won because, let's face it, she is smokin' hot.
It's hard to think when, well, you know ...
That's about as much political commentary as you're gonna get out of me today.
My brother and his wife went to France a few months ago, and they say that people there are becoming much more hospitable to Americans and Israelis than before. Plus, they now speak and understand English as a secondary language more often! Being there in past years, I too felt more welcome there than in Britain, that's for sure.
So I too hope that the French will choose Sarkozy for president, if France is to be saved from the Islamofascist horrors that are plaguing it.
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