Tuesday, February 14, 2006


The Taliban were an islamofascist group which - not long after taking power - became the pariah of the entire world - "de-recognized" by every nation except Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. WHY? SIMPLE: They allowed jihadoterrorism to flourish - UNCHECKED. 9/11 resulted.

The ascent of Hamas will lead the Palestinians down the same path. WHY? Because Hamas harbors jihadoterrorists, (in the guise of their OWN "military wing"). If the West has any balls, then Hamas should become as isolated as the Taliban were: The world must give them no aid - AND NO SYMPATHY - unless and until they reform.

If they don't reform then they'll become another FAILED STATE - mired in poverty; trapped in chaos, and under the thumb of the ruthless tyranny of islamofanaticism.

(IN THIS CASE - unlike the case of Afghanistan - it'll be a failed state behind a wall. And if the Jordanians and Egyptians have any smarts, then they'll build walls of their own!)

WHAT'S THE REMEDY? We have to make them renounce terror and accept Israel. It's their choice. Co-existence - or a gradual, inexorable decline into "no existence."

I have NO REASON TO BELIEVE that Russia - or anyone else - will make Hamas change their ways. I think Hamas will reject reform and take their people down the path of the Taliban. The election of Hamas will mean the talibanization of the Palestinians. And we know what it took to topple them.

I feel this conflict is inevitable - with the last remnants of Baathism, with Hamas and with Iran. WHY? Well, islamo-totalitarianists who proudly use jihadoterrorism won't ever voluntarily coexist with libertarian secular pluralists. The islamofanatics know that their creed can ONLY spread by intimidation, and that it can't win in any free and open competition with the West. So they know they have no choice BUT to fight, and that it's a fight to the death. WHEN?! Probably... 2007.


Anonymous said...

the time is not far off where we need to go into our silos, take our WD-40 and lube up the ICBM's for a serios U239 enema!

Reliapundit said...

hi kyle -

i respectfully disagree.

bush will not let these problem go unsolved.

bush knows that a dem prez and a dem congress will appease/surrender.

so like lincoln in 1864 (who thought he was gonna lose the election to appeasing peacnik mcclellan), bush will pull out all the stops in 2007.

Anonymous said...

lets hope so!

Pastorius said...

What do you think the chances are that we will use nukes on Iran?

I keep hearing talk of nuclear weapons. It's in the air, and not all the talk is about Iran's nukes.

Reliapundit said...

unnecessary for puir first/preemptive strike.

maybe used in retaliation for iran's counter-attacks. not likely.

jp said...

bring it on. hamas now owns palestine. any "acts of war" from the state of palestine can now be fought like war, not like pinpricks. lock down the borders like never before, shut off funding like never before, and watch them atrophy. then, after a couple attacks, israel will shut them down for good.

Anonymous said...

why wait?