Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I just read the NYTIMES BOOK REVIEW of book analyzing LBJ'S tapes.

Here's something from the review that I thought was VERY interesting:
In some ways, Johnson's preoccupations as revealed on these tapes seem remarkably up-to-date. Johnson, like his successors, was obsessed with stopping leaks to the press. The State Department ''leaks everything they got,'' Johnson complained to his assistant Ralph Dungan. ''I've got about as much confidence in them as I have in a Soviet spy.''
LBJ said this in the late 1960's - which, if you THINK about it, was only 20 years after Yalta -- that's JUST ONE GENERATION. We are FORTY YEARS -- or TWO GENERATIONS from LBJ.

And at Yalta - with the help of one Soviet agent/sympathizer: ALGER HISS - Unlce Joe Stalin got the USA to give him half of Europe for commie slavery. Twenty-years later, LBJ still didn't trust the State Department - WITH GOOD REASON.

Do you think that the State Department is spy/mole free? I don't. I KNOW that if the USSR could successfully infiltrate the FBI and CIA - (remember Hannsen and Ames?) - then they, and other ENEMIES of the USA, could EASILY get to and buy a few key SYMAPTHETIC lifetime bureaucrats at State.

I think this is IMPORTANT now for two reasons: (1) the Bolton nomination is being attacked by left-wingers in the Democrat Party and by a few BUREAUCRATS in the State Department. Bureaucrats who are - like the military - are SUPPOSED to serve the ELECTED DECISION-MAKERS, AND NOT FOLLOW THEIR OWN AGENDAS. And (2), in the "GWOT" State has NOT always acted in synch' with our elected Commander in Chief; Powell never cleaned house; I hope Rice will. And a longtime "home" of MANY of the States Department's WORST, most LEFTIST bureaucrats has ALWAYS been.... the UN. This is another reason why Bolton is PERFECT for the job: he will clean up the UN; he will NOT suffer the UN's malfeasance lightly.

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