Monday, November 08, 2004

IAEA e-i-e-i-o

The IAEA is in the news again. The last time was because its chief - el Baradei - was the widely belived to be the leaker of the alQaqaagate memo. This time it's because the IAEA thinks that the EU Trio has negotiated a good deal with Iran.
I'm skeptical for two reasons: one, I don't trust Iran to abide by any deal any more than North Korea. Two, I don't trust the IAEA. The IAEA has a track record of FAILURE.
Though you wouldn't know that by reading any of the news articles in the Old Media. All the articles in the Old Media refer to the IAEA as the "nuclear watchdog" group of the UN. Calling the IAEA a "watchdog" is a stupid cliche which prolongs a myth - or a lie. WHY? Here:
(1) The IAEA entirely missed Saddam's 1980's nuclear program which was only two years from a making bomb in 1991. ONLY our victory in the first Gulf War prevented Saddam from getting as nuke.
(2) The IAEA entirely missed the North Korean urnanium enrichment progam - it was discovered by the USA.
(3) The IAEA entirely missed the Libyan Program that was only discovered when the USA/CIA broke the AQKHAN nuclear arms smuggling ring - which the IAEA had also completely overlooked.
This is NOT the record of an international watchdog. This is the record of a UN lapdog. They are either incompetent or compromised. We mustn't farm out our national security to UN agencies whose track records are as abysmal as the IAEA's. Or to the EU. Or Iran. National security based on the assurances of the EU and the IAEA and Iran is not real security; it is really nothing more than a false sense of security. If we rely on them, then one day the real dog - a nuclear Iran - will come back to bite us. I'd rather trust the USMC and the USN and the USAF with our security than the IAEA the EU or the UN. Wouldn't you!?

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