Thursday, October 28, 2004

Was the recent Venezuelan election an omen... OR THE DRY RUN FOR KERRY AND THE DNC?

In August, in Venezuela, there was a national election. The election was a presidential recall - not unlike what Californians did gubenatorially. The Venezuelan president, Chavez, trailed the opposition in EVERY poll by 2-1. BUT, on election day Chavez WON by 2-1 - even as EXIT POLLS DONE BY A USA firm showed that the oppositon had indeed won by 2-1.

How was this possible? FRAUD. Massive voter fraud. In spite of which, the election was certified by... who else: Jimmy Carter. The certification kept in office a LEFTIST, virtual tyrant and Castro's closest ally.

I now feel that this massive voter fraud was probably a dry-run for the DNC/Kerry campaign. And that the DNC/Kerry campaign has added 2 key TWISTS in order to make their THEFT seem less blatant than the one in Venezuela: (1) PHONY POLLS THAT SHOW THE RACE CLOSE (a definite improvement from the polling situation in Venezuela), and (2) a COORDINATED ASSAULT by the Old Media in the weeks before the election - a media assault built on UNPRECEDENTED BLATANT LIES AND DISTORTIONS

This theory is the only one that can explain why the Old Media would publish such OUTRAGEOUS LIES in the days before an election: to provide a cover - a reason for a "shift" in the polls from Bush to Kerry.

And if the blogosphere wasn't around - THEY MIGHT HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT. What else can we do? GOTV! GOTV! GOTV! And watch the polling places until Bush is declared the winner.
UPDATE: NO, I am NOT paranoid - but I'm not a racist, either; if CORRUPT politicians can pull of a massive voter fraud in Venezuela, then CORRUPT politicians HERE can do it, too - WE ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN VENEZUELANS.
The GREAT political observer and commentator HUGH HEWITT has written a great book - "If it isn't close, they can't cheat". The Venezuelan model indicates that MAYBE they can - even when it's not close. That's what frightens me. The Left stole the recall election in Venezuela; the Left will try to steal our election, too.