Friday, October 29, 2004

DEBUNKING TWO BIG KERRY LEFTIST LIES: that Bush is a unilateralist and a war-monger

Kerry and the the Left and the Old Media they dominate have lied and lied and lied (they're the real "creepy liars - Heh...) about Bush.
One of the most outrageous lies is that Bush is unilateral.
Here are the facts:
(1) Bush is multilateral vis a bis the North Korean Nuclear Crisis - China, South Korea, Japan, and Russia are ALL involved in MULITILATERAL negotitations.
(2) Bush was multilateral when he de-fanged Libya - the UK had a major role to play in NEUTRALIZING a WMD program that El Baradei and the IAEA KNEW NOTHING ABOUT!
(3) In Afghanistan the US military currently has under its command troops from many nations - INCLUDING FRANCE AND GERMANY AND NATO!
According to YAHOO NEWS/(Reuters): "There are over 17,000 foreign troops under U.S. military command in Afghanistan, hunting officials of the former Taliban regime and members of the Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network, the architects of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States. Another 8,000 NATO-led peacekeepers are mainly stationed in the capital Kabul."
(4) The multinational "Coalition of the Willing" in Iraq now has more nations in it - each represented by more troops - than the UN Coalition that was put together to fight during the Korean War (hat tip Mark Levin).
(5) The international fiancial, juridical, and police efforts at tracking down Jihadoterrorists has never skipped a beat - MANY MANY Jihadoterrorists have been rolled up all over Europe and Africa and Asia since the Iraq War.
Therefore, charge that Bush is a unilateralist is false - it is pure DEMAGOGUERY, at its very worst. Don't be fooled by it.
AS for being a war-monger: Did Bush use war to de-fang Libya? NO. Did he militarily attack North Korea for breaking a vital international WMD Treaty. No - not yet; he is using diplomacy. Has he attacked Iran for violating the nuclear anti-proliferation treaty? NO; he is using diplomacy. Has he militarily attacked Syria, for occupying Lebanon and harboring Jiahdoterrorists who are allowed to enter Iraq? No, not yet; he is using diplomacy.
Sounds to me like Bush uses the State Department and diplomacy a lot more than he uses the military and Pentagon.
Of cousre, now that we have gone to war TWICE under Bush - and won BOTH TIMES... BRILLIANTLY, our diplomacy is MORE EFFECTIVE THAN EVER. WHY? Everyone knows that Bush means what he says; Bush is no hollow man, no paper tiger. And this makes future wars LESS LIKELY.
So, contrary to what Kerry and the Left and the Old Media they dominate say - contrary to what's become Conventiona Wisdom - Bush is a multilateralist who uses diplomacy more often than not.
But if and when war becomes necessary - a last resort, Bush will make war, and then do whatever it takes to win the war. If and when we ever reach a critical mass with North Koresa or Iran or Syria, then the ultimatums that would be made by Bush would have meaning. Serious consequences and "final chance" mean just what they shopuld mean when uttewred by Bush.
The same cannot be said about John "I was for it before I was against it" Kerry. He's an overly nuanced prevaricator whose nuanced positions would lead to garbled policies and confusing signals internationally.
Nothing could be worse in a dangerous world. In a dangerous world the simple clarity of Bush makes us safer, too.

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