Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Today, at either 6:00 PM local time, the Winograd committee will be presenting its final conclusions about the government's conduct during the second Lebanon war:
The committee is to present the full report to Olmert and Barak at 5 p.m. One hour later, panel chairman Eliahu Winograd will meet with journalists at the Jerusalem International Convention Center (Binyanei Ha'uma) and give a statement including the main points of the report and general comments on the work of the committee. Immediately afterward, committee member Ruth Gavison will present a summary of Winograd's address in English.

At the same time that the classified report is presented to Olmert and Barak, the committee will release a nonclassified version on www.vaadatwino.org.il.
I'm going to be watching when the press conference is held an hour after Olmert and Barak are handed their copy of the report, and see how this turns out.

Update: now that I've seen it, and here's a transcript in English, it is damning, and as judge Winograd says, the military and political leadership failed/are responsible. As told over here:
"Israel did not win the [Second Lebanon] war" and the army did not provide an effective response to Hizbullah's rocket fire on Israel, said Judge (ret.) Eliyahu Winograd, issuing his committee's final report on the war at Jerusalem's International Convention Center Wednesday, adding that the war was a "missed opportunity."
Correct. They did not finish the job, and the Hezbollah has been given a chance to rearm and become even nastier. That's how the war was botched.

See also this analysis about Winograd's dire warning.

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