Sunday, March 04, 2007


Leftists are always telling us how great it is to be a homosexual but when a leading Democrat politician is accused of being one, that is a "slur"?? So it seems. Ann Coulter recently said: "I was going to have a few comments about John Edwards but you have to go into rehab if you use the word f*ggot." Are Democrats secretly prejudiced against homosexuals? The reaction (also via the link above) would seem to suggest it.

Coulter made it perfectly clear that she was mocking the "incorrectness" of the word she used but that was deliberately ignored, of course.

I have an idea that she may have sunk the Edwards campaign, though. Democrats need the black vote and suspicions about Edwards would not go down well there. Flopping Aces has some background on Coulter's comments.

Also on the Edwards campaign:

It seems that what I write on DISSECTING LEFTISM does occasionally get read by the Great and the Good. My comment of 2nd. on the Edwards Presidential campaign and its apparent admiration of proto-Fascists got a reply from Mrs Edwards herself -- predictable stuff of course -- just the usual Leftist use of denial. That Edwards supports ideas which have in the past been integral with Fascism was evidently not thought about at all. See the comments here. Mrs Edwards seems to do a lot of talking on behalf of her Johnnie -- witness her reply to Ann Coulter. One does get the impression that Johnnie needs his mommy.


DavidCyrus said...

So, today's spin is that Ann was simply mocking the political incorrectness of the word "faggot"? Boy, I wonder why such a noble intent was ignored- maybe because IT MAKES NO FRIGGIN' SENSE???

Obviously Ann took a pot-shot at Edwards, not the term, and everybody (except the Astute Bloggers) is agreeing that it was offensive and wildly inappropriate.

Hooray for the fools who think this somehow hurts Edwards or the Democrats- that will only keep this kind of muck coming from the Rippups, until the day after elections, when they scratch their heads and say, "What went wrong?"

Reliapundit said...

as this post relates, flopping aces also makes this argument, so... your assertion that only TAB makes this case is absurdly wildly idiotically WRONG. like most of what you think i'd guess.

please keep coming back and commenting: you do a GREAT job of exposing the idiocy of the left!

Reliapundit said...

edwards obama and hillary are all UNQUALIFIED to serve as potus.

one term senators who have accomplished ZERO in the senate and nothing managerial before their terms.