Wednesday, August 24, 2005



Two environmental groups and four U.S. cities may sue U.S. federal agencies which finance overseas projects which they say contribute to global warming, a federal judge has ruled. The two federal agencies -- Overseas Private Investment Corporation and the Export-Import Bank of the United States -- had asked the U.S. District Court ... to dismiss the lawsuit. It was brought by Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and the cities of Boulder, Colorado, and Santa Monica, Oakland and Arcata, California.

Judge Jeffrey White ruled on Tuesday that U.S. law allows the groups and cities to proceed with their lawsuit because they may be affected by overseas agency-backed projects whose emissions are linked to global warming. "The landmark decision is the first time that a federal court has specifically granted legal standing for a lawsuit exclusively alleging injury from global warming and challenging the federal government's failure to evaluate the impacts of its actions on the Earth's climate and U.S. citizens," the Friends of the Earth said in a statement on its Web site.

GUESS WHERE THIS JUDGES SITS? RIGHT: San Francisco. Where else. Sheesh.

Keep in mind that there is NO PROOF that "global warming" is man-made; IN FACT, there IS AMPLE INCONTROVERTIBLE PROOF that the Earth has had several warming periods, in the distant and recent past, before humans contributed ANY amounts of carbon (or anything else) to the atmosphere. Besides: atmospheric science is very VERY complex, and is NOT at all settled about what the effects of air pollution are on the world's climate.

Allowing this suit to proceed is as stupid as allowing crime victims to sue gun manufacturers for crimes commited by third party criminals with their gun products. This is even MORE bizarre: The plaintiffs "say" that the federal agencies contribute to "global warming" and the judge seems to accept this on their say-so. DOUBLE SHEESH!

It's another example of how the Left uses the courts (which are populated with Leftist/activist judges) - to undemocratically impose their ideology and inane policies on the rest of us. It is insane envirofascism at its worst. (UPDATE: more from the WASH POST/AP.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow just happend to stumble here and thought I should say Hola.