No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. - John Donne
The "me generation" Left, and the anti-traditional counter-culture they fomented, used moral relativism to transform the old laissez faire bromide -"live and let die" - into the isolationist "let me live, and let them die." These Leftists believe that their own state should be their nanny - caring for them from the cradle to the grave - and that we have no business "muddling in the domestic affairs of other nations or cultures." To them it is arrogant, colonialist, and dangerous - because it causes "blowback."
Bush and the neocons are universalists who believe that personal liberty is an innate human right of all humans born anywhere and everywhere, and a basic universal human right which must not be limited by local culture or government - which are both temporal and relative.
Bush and the neocons believe that those of us who are free and rich and strong have a moral obligation to help our brothers and sisters whose basic universal human rights have been taken away from them; we must help them them get their innate rights back, AND we should help them form mutually consensual governments that recognize their rights - in other words - democracies. After all, the self-determination of nations can only be a product of democracy- tyrannies are not in any sense self-determined. And contrary to what the Old Left believes, self-determination can NEVER be "imposed;" rather it is tyranny which is imposed; democracy is the only way a free people can have a limited mutually-consensual self-government; democracy is the absence of imposition.
Bush's aggressive pro-human rights/pro-democracy policy is working - now, at a rate that is truly STUNNING. Georgia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq - even in Arab Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and so on... all becoming more democratic. Because of Bush's policies. Bush's bold polices have rung the bell of liberty and the toll resounds worldwide!
The pealing bell is also an alarm for the Left; it signals that the time has come for the Left to wake up, renounce their moral relativism, shed their isolationism and join the good fight.
If they do shed the vestiges of their failed ideology, they will find the experience very liberating!