The new head of the Science Museum has an uncompromising view about how global warming should be dealt with: get rid of a few billion people. Chris Rapley, who takes up his post on September 1, is not afraid of offending. 'I am not advocating genocide,' said Rapley. 'What I am saying is that if we invest in ways to reduce the birthrate - by improving contraception, education and healthcare - we will stop the world's population reaching its current estimated limit of between eight and 10 billion.THE ECO-LEFT HAS BEEN WHINING ABOUT OVER-POPULATION SINCE 1968 AND PAUL EHRLICH'S BOOK THE POPULATION BOMB.
... Rapley, currently head of the British Antarctic Survey and a passionate believer in man's influence on climate, is set to take charge of the museum, one of Britain's most challenging institutions, where strict academic requirements must be met while competing with Legoland and Disneyland to attract visitors. Only by tackling the issues of the day can he succeed, Rapley said. Hence his urging that we deal with overpopulation, a call of wide public interest and one that reflects the contents of the recent report by the Optimum Population Trust, which called for each couple in Britain to be limited to having two children each. 'A voluntary stop-at-two guideline should be adopted for couples in the UK who want to adopt greener lifestyles,' it stated. The interest of Rapley, 60, in this subject stems directly from his climatic concerns.
... He fears our planet faces a very hot and uncomfortable future. This belief puts him opposite climate-change deniers, about whom Rapley is generally vitriolic. He described the recent Channel 4 programme The Great Global Warming Swindle as 'a tissue of lies' while individual deniers, like Dominic Lawson, are dismissed in unexpectedly terse, Anglo-Saxon terms.
The Left has ALWAYS advocated depopulation, abortion and state-controlled production and state regulated consumption of goods and services, and the Left has always blamed individualism - calling it selfishness.
The Left has always said that the oublic has to sacrifice for "the common good."
But the fact is that free-markets and industrialism and capitalism have done more to improve living standards and life-spans and improve the quality of life than any other thing EVER.

If organic food and sustainable economies and "pure" air were the best thing for humanity than why did cavemen die before they were 30!?
AGW caused by CO2 is just another bogeyman invented by the Left to enable them to gain control over the economy.
Don't fall for.
Unless you're a Leftie, then PLEASE, by all means JUST HAVE 2!