Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Marvel's Sabra comes under assault by Muslim activist group with terror ties

The Council of Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), which has documented connections to terrorist organizations like Hamas, recently ran the following podcast on Facebook, where they attacked Bill Mantlo/Sal Buscema's Israeli character, Sabra, who first debuted in the Incredible Hulk in the early 1980s:
Join us today at 3:00 p.m. ET for a discussion on the Marvel superhero Sabra, Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism with American Muslims for Palestine's Outreach Director Taher Herzallah.
From this alone, it's pretty easy to guess where they went with this. No matter how left-leaning Mantlo was in his time as a writer, and no matter how much that influenced his comics writing by extension, it makes zero difference to anti-Israeli sources like these. Whatever they say isn't worth the bytes it's produced on, considering their offensive platforms, for which the FBI later cut off contact with them. It's not too difficult to guess what they think of Gal Gadot as well.

One commentor said:
The Jewish people have so few representatives in comics, do take her away from us
Sabra's young son was killed in a terrorist attack
Yes, it was established, possibly in New Warriors by Fabian Nicieza, that Sabra had a young son who'd been murdered in a terror attack, and that these anti-Israeli movements would invalidate even that viewpoint is definitely reprehensible. The commentor also said:
Did you read Union Jack: London Falling?
In that miniseries, the whole clash-on-the-side between Sabra and Arabian Knight is regurgitated, and Islam is otherwise whitewashed. It's another pathetic example of failure to provide an Israeli with a better depiction. Mostly because in the 2nd part, Sabra gets shot in the eyes, blinding her. Next:
You need to do more research on the character. Your knowledge of her is incorrect
Worse, their standings are entirely deliberate. And all coming from a movement that was an unindicted co-conspirator in terrorism. One more comment made was:
The plot for Captain America: New World Order has not even been released. How do you even know how her character will be portrayed?
Of course, if the screenplay comes within even miles of portraying Israel negatively, that'll be abominable, but not a surprise. Disney and Marvel studios have long been sellouts to anti-Israeli campaigners, and even Steven Spielberg did this almost 2 decades ago with Munich.

So now, another, far more notorious activist movement's damning Mantlo and Sal Buscema's creation for being Israeli, and being written with a background they believe illegitimate. Naturally, you have to wonder why these ideologues want anything to do with publishers that were originally founded by Jewish businessmen, whose viewpoints were anything but aligned with what phony pop culture critics think. It's practically laughable.

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Iranian native criticizes Democrats for siding with Islam

Bill Maher's HBO program interviewed a woman reporter from Iran who's rightly disappointed with the Democrats for only caring about Islamophobia, not about women's rights:
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad said that liberals in the West tell her that if she talks about how women are treated in the Middle East, “you’re going to cause Islamophobia.” But “my fear and the fear of millions of Iranian women” is rational because she was told growing up in Iran that “if you show your hair, you’re going to go to jail. You will receive lashes. You will get killed like Mahsa Amini.” She also criticized the Combating International Islamophobia Act passed by Democrats by stating that it’s those who beat and kill women and those who leave Islam that create the phobia, not those who speak out against it.
More at the page. It's definitely offensive and deplorable how the Democrats have succumbed to this over all these years. Their ignorance of women's rights is extremely offensive.