Saturday, July 27, 2024

The transcript of Netanyahu's speech to Congress

Here's a transcript of Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress on the 24th of July (via Daniel Pipes). It makes for very recommended reading.

Update: and here's also an important article about 4 survivors of the sexual violence committed by the Hamas minions on October 7, 2023.

Pro-Hamas vandals burned American flags in the District of Columbia

While Benjamin Netanyahu was giving his very impressive speech at Congress on Wednesday, the anti-Israel crowd in the USA predictably went about not just scrawling hateful graffiti against Israel, but also burning American flags and vandalizing USA symbols:
The Liberty Bell replica outside Washington, DC’s Union Station was defaced with pro-Hamas symbols and anti-Israel messages, including one that read “F–k Israel,” during a protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

As thousands of protesters descended on the capital on Wednesday, the demonstrations quickly turned to vandalism around Union Station, where the anti-Israel crowd targeted landmarks to spread hateful messages against the Jewish state.

The Liberty Bell reproduction at the site was defaced with countless graffiti with messages like “Abolish Israel,” “All zionists are bastards” and “F–k Capitalists.” [...]

The protesters at Union Station were also seen burning American flags and an effigy of Netanyahu, with DC police, Capitol Police and US Park Police reporting 23 arrests following a chaotic clash with law enforcement.
Their antics continue to be despicable, and drew outrage from the GOP. Joe Biden's vice president Kamala Harris, who's not supported by a lot of the far-leftists, belatedly condemned the violence that took place at the station:
Vice President Harris has released a statement condemning violent anti-Israel rioting that disrupted Washington D.C.'s busiest station.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee released the statement Thursday, hours after the violent protests against visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. we saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protesters and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric," Harris said. "I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews.

The protesters spray-painted monuments and pulled down American flags flying outside Union Station, eventually lighting them on fire amid cheers and chants against Israel.
Unfortunately, Harris, even before these terrible incidents, did too little on her part to prove she abhors the behaviour of such repellent creeps, and it wouldn't be surprising if any presidential campaign she leads, assuming she becomes the candidate to replace Joe Biden, does nothing convincing to oppose what's happened so far.

Don't be shocked if soon enough, similar monsters in Europe will be burning the French, Italian and Dutch flags too. Such leftists are that horrific.

Update: and on that note, Muslims in France have been acting horrific for the gazillionth time, during the Olympics in Paris, and it's predictably making everything truly awful. Not that the Olympics have really been worth watching for a while now.

Update 2: the Israeli government warns that Iran has predictably also been making threats against the Israeli atheletes competing at the Olympics.

Update 3: some police officers described how they came under assault by these pro-Hamas protestors at Union Station.