1) God created the heavens and the Earth,"Both Judaism and Christianity teach that man, having been made in the Image of his Creator, also inherently possesses these attributes to some extent. Therefore, man is meant to be creative, he is meant to love matter, he is meant to be reasonable and analytical, he is meant to reshape his work, and even, the work of God's hands, using the gifts of reason and analysis, and more than anything, man is meant to be Free, as God, most indubitably, is Himself.
2) He created the beasts of the field,
3) He separated the waters,
4) He created man of dust, and
5) breathed His own life into him, and then,
6) seeing that it was not good for man to be lonely, and moved by compassion, He created, for him, a female companion named Eve.
We can take from this that man God and, thereby man, are, among other things,
1) Creative and magnificent of vision
2) in love with reproduction and the process of life
3) analytical in our creativity, and completely willing to remake, or reshape, what we have already made, even if we have seen that "it is Good."
4) in love with matter itself
5) generous, willing to give of ourselves in our own creative process
6) loving, reasonable, and willing to change our plans, when moved by compassion.There are many other things that can be inferred from the opening passage of Genesis, but this is enough for my argument. The point is, both Judaism and Christianity teach that God is loving, reasonable, and creative.
As for the last paragraph - well, personally, I don't give a damn whether Americans kill themselves through gross overeating and under-exercising, filling their food with chemicals for short-term profit or turning their cities' air into poison gas - not to mention handing terrorists billions of dollars to kill Americans (and others) with.
What I do mind is that Americans are setting a bad example for everyone else; as a small example the streets of Britain are filled with grotesquely large 4x4s. I am quite sure the fashion comes from across the pond. As another, the Chinese might well ask why they should restrict their economic growth when America already uses many times more fuel than they do - and they'd be right.
The army started deploying troops in NWFP’s southern districts, adjoining the Waziristan region, amid reports that an operation to curb militancy and extremism was imminent.HOT AIR THINKS MAYBE MUSHARRAF IS MOVING AGAINST AWAHIRI HIMSELF, BUT PROBABLY NOT.
Sources told Dawn on Thursday that 12,000 troops, backed by artillery units, were moved to Tank and Dera Ismail Khan districts from Okara.
An "alarming" number of patients with suspected breast cancer are waiting too long for a diagnosis, doctors warn.
Government targets dictate all suspected breast cancers should be seen by a specialist within two weeks.
But a team at Bristol's Frenchay Hospital discovered an increase in the number of positive diagnoses among women deemed to be non-urgent cases.
Doctors said the target was failing...
Tokyo, July 13: Russia is eyeing on designing thermonuclear plants for domestic and international market in the next 20 to 25 years, nuclear physicist Yevgeny Velikhov said.America had better get a move on. At this point it looks like ITER will be 50 years from commercialization.
He expressed confidence that Russia will be able to begin commercial production of thermonuclear reactors in 20-25 years.
"Russia's final goal is clear. We should at least get necessary knowledge to design and build thermonuclear plants for Russia's domestic purposes and for export," Velikhov said.
He believes that it is high time "to prepare Russia's science and industry to the next stage of commercial production."
"Our goal depends on ITER not by 100 percent. We should work ourselves as well. We have to prepare the new generation to this as the stage of commercial production will begin in 20-25 years as a minimum," he said.
One of the Palestinian terror operatives who kidnapped Cpl. Gilad Schalit in a cross-border raid near Kerem Shalom last June has been arrested, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced Friday afternoon, lifting a gag order.Has he been cooperative with the authorities since then, and given them any clues to Shalit's whereabouts? So far, there's no way to tell here.
Muhammad Salameh Abed Zufi, 30, was apprehended in Rafah on June 9.
The Shin Bet said that Zufi, who admitted during his interrogation that he had photographed the Kerem Shalom raid, also said he had involved in a 2002 raid on the "Africa" outpost in the same area on the Gaza border. In that raid, an IDF officer and three Beduin trackers were killed.
In addition to the raids on IDF outposts, Zufi was also involved in other attacks that wounded soldiers and launching Kassam rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip.
You know, I guess I'm like any other political figure -- everybody wants to be loved, just sometimes the decisions you make and the consequences don't enable you to be loved. And so when it's all said and done, Ed, if you ever come down and visit the old, tired, me down there in Crawford, I will be able to say I looked in the mirror and made decisions based upon principle, not based upon politics. And that's important to me.--President George W. BushBush said the above yesterday in his press conference where he was talking about the successes in Iraq that have already happened as a result of the surge. As Rush said our soldiers are kicking butt over there and deserve our praise. And the quote by Bush just shows why I'm still loyal to him. Agree with him or not he makes his decisions based on principles not on polls. No matter what your views are that philosophy is commendable and inspiring.
The terrorists are in this war to win it. The question is: Are we?--John McCainAll of you know my feelings on John McCain but I'm one of those people who gives praise when it is due. McCain's failings are many but for the most part he "gets" the War on Terror. This quote by McCain deserves our cheer and praise because it is right on the money. I figure even a broken clock is right twice a day!!
The Tel Aviv district Court on Thursday convicted Ashraf Keisi, a 28-year-old Israeli Arab from Baka al-Gharbiya of five counts of murder and dozens of attempted murders for his part in a suicide attack at a Tel Aviv club, the "Stage", in February 2005, which killed five people and injured fifty more.He should be sent to supermax for his crime. He's got as much blood on his hands as the filth he assisted.
Keisi was arrested a day after the attack, admitting in his interrogation that he had driven the bomber. Keisi also admitted to having been in contact with Abu Sa'ada, an Islamic Jihad operative from Tulkarm, and other terrorists, who wished to take advantage of the freedom of movement afforded him by his Israeli identity card.
Keisi was convicted not only of driving the suicide bomber to the club but of helping the terrorists select the target to be attacked. He was also pronounced guilty of assisting an enemy in wartime and supporting a terror organization. Keisi's conviction was based on the confession he gave to the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency).
Living as we do now afloat the incoming and outgoing tides of media,
perhaps the aborted London and Glasgow car bombings of a fortnight ago are worth another thought before these attempted mass murders drift away on the sea of bad memories. What about those doctors? The apparent complicity of U.K.-resident Muslim physicians in the attempted murder of innocent British civilians had many in the West asking why.
The short answer is that these trained M.D.s somehow convinced
themselves that these British people didn't deserve to live--that it would be
morally good to kill them. That's insane. Why would they think that?
The best answer I have seen in a long time is found in a new study of
Islamic media propaganda by a research team from Radio Free Europe/Radio
Liberty. "Iraqi Insurgent Media: The War of Images and
Ideas" by Daniel Kimmage and Kathleen Ridolfo (with Radio Free Iraq
correspondents, two of whom were abducted and murdered this year) is an
astounding compilation of the high-tech methods being used by the insurgency in
Iraq to propagate the ideology of the Islamic jihadist movement.
This is the blogosphere for killers. There is no more unchallenged
verity in our times than that the World Wide Web, the Internet, is a boon to
mankind. But as with nuclear or biological warfare, the Web is a dual-use
technology. Technically adept Muslims, using out-of-the-box PC software and
hardware, are outputting an electronic torrent of slick Web sites, discussion
forums, videos, e-magazines and long-form movies, all with one purpose--to
incite Muslims to join the jihad against the enemies of Islam in Baghdad,
London, Glasgow or New York. Forget those Iraqi attack videos on YouTube; this is a sophisticated, globally distributed propaganda operation.
"An alleged victim in a Lincoln sexual assault case asked the Nebraska Supreme Court on Tuesday to overturn a judge's ban on terms like "sexual assault" and "rape" at trial.
Pamir Safi, 31, is accused of sexually assaulting former University of Nebraska-Lincoln student Tory Bowen three years ago. Jury selection in his trial began Monday.
Judge Jeffre Cheuvront has barred any references to sexual assault over concern about inflammatory statements that might prejudice the jury. On Monday, Bowen and her attorney informed the judge that they would not sign the order agreeing not to use banned terms during courtroom testimony.
The popularity of online Iraqi Sunni insurgent media, the authors contend, reflects a genuine demand for their message in the Arab world. A response, no matter how lavishly funded and cleverly produced, will not eliminate this demand. The authors argue that efforts to counter insurgent media should not focus on producing better propaganda than the insurgents, or trying to eliminate the demand for the insurgent message, but rather on exploiting the vulnerabilities of the insurgent media network.It's not about our failure to explain ourselves. They already know that we let our women drive cars and our people worship freely. Explaining that to them again isn't going to make them less hostil - perhaps very much the opposite.
Predicting that sanctions will ultimately fail to stop Teheran's nuclear program, Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser... told The Jerusalem Post on Monday that time to launch an effective military strike against Iran's nuclear installations was running out... Kuperwasser, who stepped down from his post last year, Iran is "very close" to the point that it will cross the technological threshold... "The program's vulnerability to a military operation is diminishing as time passes," Kuperwasser said, "and they are very close to the point that they will be able to enrich uranium at an industrial level." Iran... was working on two parallel tracks - one at Natanz to enrich uranium and the plutogenic track being worked on at the Arak heavy water facility... "The Iranians are working around the clock on improving military capabilities and they are also moving centrifuges to underground facilities," he said.Click through for the full and gory details of how new Russian arms are being used to protect the new tunnels that will be used to house the new nuclear facilities. Good thing that the left has assured us that sanctions can be given more time:
As long as Russia was not aligned with the United States, Kuperwasser said sanctions would not work on their own to stop Iran. "For significant sanctions to be effective the world needs to at the same time threaten the use of military force," he said.Well that sucks.
The United Nations on Monday released a report... three years to the day after the International Court of Justice... ruled against the fence. According to the court, all construction of the fence beyond the pre-1967 border was illegal... "Three years have passed [and] Israel has not complied with the ICJ opinion and the barrier construction continues," said the report... "Completion of the barrier around the Ma'aleh Adumim bloc will separate east Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank, restricting access to workplaces, health, education and to places of worship," according to the report.Now the gut-check is obviously "they want it moved east" - gives the Palestinians more land, makes the Israeli heartland more vulnerable, etc etc. But that thing about workplaces and health - tons of Palestinians along the Green Line work as laborers in Israel, and it's no secret where they go when they need real health care. So that would suggest moving the fence west, so that more of Israel is accessible to more Palestinians (and Israel ends up more vulnerable anyway - the options that the UN presents are always super - through they never suggest the muddy status quo of tough security plus humanitarianism for some reason).
Almost 25,000 hospital patients were the victims of reported medical errors last year, leading to death and serious injury in some cases.
The National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA), which revealed the figures, has issued new guidelines on patient wristbands after more than 2,900 errors were attributed to cases of mistaken identity.
Contact the key GOP senators up for re-election in 2008 who have been reported to be wavering in recent weeks (though it isn't necessarily so given the MSM's agenda journalism):
Senator Lamar Alexander, Tenn: (202) 224-4944. E-mail link here.
Senator Norm Coleman, MN: (202) 224-564. E-mail link here.
Senator Pete Domenici, NM: (202) 224-6621. E-mail link here.
Senator Gordon Smith, OR: (202) 224-3753. E-mail link here.
Senator John Sununu, NH: (202) 224-2841. E-Mail link here.
Senator John Warner, VA: (202) 224-2023. E-mail link here.
There are three Democratic senators from red states who should also hear from the pro-victory voter:
Senator Max Baucus, MT: (202) 224-2651. E-mail here.
Senator Mary Landrieu, LA: (202) 224-5824. E-mail here.
Senator Mark Pryor: (202) 224-2353. E-mail here.
Few people in Africa will get to see Al Gore and his troupe of rock-star ecologists strutting their stuff during the series of Live Earth concerts this weekend—because most have neither television nor electricity.1ST: AGW IS BS. 2ND:THE REMEDIES FOR AGW WON'T ACHIEVE THEIR STATED GOALS. 3RD, THEY WILL RETARD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICA - WHICH IS THE ONLY WAY TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF AFRICANS.
That’s just as well, because they would be aghast at Live Earth’s bizarre message. In Africa, we have much more serious things to worry about than climate change.
President Pervez Musharraf's government said Wednesday that militants accounted for most of the 106 people killed in eight days of fighting around the Red Mosque, calling it a signal that Islamic extremism won't be tolerated in Pakistan.If the US military had done this to Sadr in 2003 it would have ALSO been right - and condemned by the Muslim world, the Left and the UN.
Hours later, Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader released a video to join in the militant outcry against Musharraf, calling on Pakistanis to join in a holy war to avenge the army assault. Ayman al-Zawahri told Pakistanis their president "rubbed your honor in the dirt."
Authorities said the siege of the mosque compound, which included separate religious schools for girls and boys, resulted in the deaths of 10 soldiers, one police ranger and several civilians killed in the crossfire of the initial street battles that erupted July 3.
Seventy-three bodies — believed to be those of the mosque's die-hard defenders — were found by Pakistani troops clearing the sprawling complex of mines, booby traps and other weaponry after the final 35-hour fight. Among the dead was the militants' leader, pro-Taliban cleric Abdul Rashid Ghazi.
Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said commandos searching the mosque found no corpses of women and children, although seven or eight of the bodies had been burned beyond recognition, apparently by the militants' gasoline bombs.
Police at the national headquarters said Tuesday evening that due to a petition made by complainant "H," the plaintiff in Vice Premier Haim Ramon's recent sexual harassment trial, police met with officials from the State Attorney's Office to discuss suspicions that H had been harassed following the trial. H's legal counsel had addressed their concerns to representatives of the State Attorney's Office, which reviewed the allegations and passed the information on to the police.At this moment, they're not trying to bring Ramon into this. But that doesn't mean he couldn't have some kind of involvement in it. If anything, it certainly does signal that another scandal is on the horizon for Ehud Olmert's government.
On Tuesday, Police Intelligence and Investigation Division head Cmdr. Yochanan Danino met with State Attorney Eran Shendar to discuss the matter. Parallel to the meeting, police confirmed the now overt investigation.
In the course of the probe, detectives from the national fraud squad carried out searches in the offices of private detective agency Weizman Ya'ar, as well as in lead suspects' houses.
Detectives said that from the investigation material gathered thus far, they believe that private investigators had been hired, possibly by Ramon's ex-brother-in-law to gather evidence that would damage the credibility of H.
The investigation uncovered suspicions that the detective agency had sent a female undercover investigator to befriend H and create the false impression that they would give her a job. Representatives of the agency are believed to have questioned former acquaintances of H, and to have recorded conversations in which H was a participant.
Ramon's former brother-in-law was questioned by police late Tuesday.
The suspects from the detective agency were all released on bail following their arrest and questioning. Police officers at national headquarters said they expected that the investigation would be concluded in the coming days and that the entire body of information on the case would then be handed over to the State Attorney's Office, where it would be decided whether or not to file indictments.
"The ruling is a resounding victory for the White Citizens' Council, and the racist governors who once blocked the schoolhouse door. The spirit of Jim Crow lives on in the hearts and minds of this Supreme Court's regressive, segregationist majority, over 50 years after Brown. "Diversity is illegal" is the new standard, it would seem, and we must do everything in our power to resist this.
Meanwhile, siding with the majority, Justice Clarence Thomas concluded that school districts have no interest in remedying segregation: ".... Simply putting students together under the same roof does not necessarily mean that the students will learn together or even interact. Furthermore, it is unclear whether increased interracial contact improves racial attitudes and relations.... Some studies have even found that a deterioration in racial attitudes seems to result from racial mixing in schools."
Did he say "racial mixing"?
The arguments called "post-Zionist" have various aspects - not only political but also cultural. They view Zionism as a colonial phenomenon, not as a national movement that is contending with another, Palestinian, national movement over its claim to the same territory. Some of those who are called "post-Zionists" go even further in their argument that the very existence of a Jewish people is a "narrative" that was invented in the 19th century, and that the Jews are at base a religious community. The attitude of Zionism, which has most of its roots in Europe, toward Jews from the Muslim countries is also perceived in the context of colonial exploitation..
They do not see Zionism and the State of Israel as a reality that has come to pass, but rather as something that is not legitimate from the outset and that must be eliminated down to its very foundations.
There is something pathetic in that 20 years ago they believed in a new, just world that was to emerge from Moscow or Cuba, and the only thing that is left to them of that lofty vision today is anti-Zionism. Not the brotherhood of nations, not the liberation of the proletariat, not universal social justice - all of this has collapsed in a tragic way; the only thing that remains is the hatred of Zionism.
"The heads of the House committee and subcommittee overseeing communications issues, respectively, have asked the National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) to study the use of "telecommunications to commit hate crimes."
While NTIA, which is the Bush administration's telecommunications policy advisory arm, already produced a study on the topic under the first president Bush back in 1992, Reps. John Dingell and Ed Markey urged it to update the study given the rise in the Internet since them. But, according to a release from the commitee issued Monday, they also said they are also "particularly" interested in studying "uses by broadcast facilites licensed on behalf of the public by the FCC, and whether such uses convey messages of bigotry or hatred, creating a climate of fear and inciting individuals to commit hate crimes."