Wednesday, September 07, 2011

9-11 is a day of mourning, just like the Holocaust and other war-related tragedies

Pamela Geller writes about the Obama administration's latest propaganda efforts, and makes a good point that 9-11 is a day of mourning, not a day of service, as Obama's putting it. Well, he's certainly not going about it the right way. To do a true service to the victims would be to remember who it was who murdered them. That's not what the left is actually trying to do.

If you're in the NYC area, please make sure to attend the AFDI's own gathering:
...my organization, the American Freedom Defensive Initiative (AFDI) is going to do what Obama should be doing: we’re going to honor the victims and rededicate ourselves to fighting for freedom on September 11 at West Broadway and Park Place at our 911 Freedom Rally. One 9/11 family member remarked: “I am looking forward to the rally. It is a place we can be free to really remember the who, why, when and where of 9/11. The morning ceremony” – that is, the official ceremony, from which clergy and 9/11 first responders – “is devoid of any meaning.”
This is the true memorial service everyone needs to visit.

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