Sunday, August 31, 2008

WHEN YOU'RE GETTING A LOT OF FLAK - you just might be right over the target

If Governor Palin were really as weak a Vice Presidential candidate as hard left liberals seem to think, why would they resort to this? (Hat tip: Insty.)


Christopher said...

the Liberals are attacking her on the issues that matter most to them, that a woman can be successful and still be a mother but only if you a Liberal.

I have seen so many comments about Palin saying that she is abanding her children to further her career, when that is not true at all.

Palin is successful, smart, good-looking, faithful and honest.

The Liberals can't touch Palin on her record because she's more experienced and better at the job of leadership then Obama is.

Obama will not stop these attacks on Palin's motherhood, it will be used to attack her judgement.

I want the liberals to talk about Palins accomplishments as Governor without the spin, really put it up to the test.

Their Poster child Obama has totally been buried under the Palin media, what is he doing to help the people of New Orleans?

Reliapundit said...

right on chris!

Always On Watch said...

Alan Colmes's disgusting idiocy shows just how scared the Dems are of Palin!

This is the second Dem idiocy I've read today about Palin. And both of the original idiocies got deleted too.

The Dems are running scared. I love it!