Sunday, July 22, 2007

TURKEY: Erdogan's AKP Wins Landslide

News here and here.

I saw Erdogan's victroy speech LIVE on Euronews: there was not a single woman in the crowd.This is a bad sign. It's just like Hizballah.

If not islamist, Erdogan and the AKP are - in my estimation - islamist enablers. The AKP is not as bad as Hizballah or Fatah or Hamas or a Baathist party, but it is not very good.

And Turkey is not guaranteed to stay a member of the Free World wither - like Pakistan it could slip into islamist control. YEAH: TURKEY! The fact is: Turkey has MANY "honor"-killings. Unless and until they BAN this practice. IMHO they shouldn't be admitted into ANY multi-national organization. To me islamo-misogyny is as immoral as slavery: it is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable, and all nations which turn the other way and allow it to be practiced should be completely shunned. Including Turkey.

This would be an effective way for the Free World to combat islamism without firing a single shot.

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