DAILY STAR (Lebanon):
Hamas insists accord with Fatah doesn't mean recognizing Israel -Abbas adviser fears pact will not be enough to lift embargo -
Hamas said Friday that it would never recognize Israel and will not, as a movement, abide by previously reached Palestinian peace accords with Israel as urged by President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah."We will never recognize Israel. There is nothing called Israel, neither in reality nor in the imagination," Nizar Rayyan, a senior Hamas leader in Gaza, told the Reuters news agency.
Rayyan welcomed the unity government agreement reached in Mecca on Thursday but said Hamas shunned Abbas' call for Premier Ismail Haniyya, who will form the new cabinet, to abide by previous peace accords.
"We, in the Hamas movement, will not abide by anything," he said.
To achieve peace, these thugs nust be smashed first. And that won't happen until we neutralize Iran.
The al Aksa controversy like the Mecca agreement is a SHAM.This same HAMAS man weighed in on the al Aksa controversy (see below) - NYTIMES:''This is a great danger. We can't remain silent,'' said Nizar Rayan, a Hamas leader, at a celebration of a power-sharing agreement Hamas signed with the rival Fatah faction in Saudi Arabia on Thursday. ''We ask God to unite the Palestinians, with their rifles and tunnels, to be able to cleanse Al Aqsa of the ... excavations,'' Rayan said.
********UPDATE: Putin's Russia ENDORSES the sham:
Russia welcomes Mecca deal, urges lifting freeze
Russia on Friday welcomed an agreement by rival Palestinian factions to form a unity government and appealed for the lifting of a freeze on direct aid to the Palestinian government.
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