There are no stronger proponents of the Fairness Doctrine than the gang at The Huffington Post. Their recent entry into the fray comes from Taylor Marsh (I've never heard of her either). Amazingly, in one paragraph she completely implodes and defeats her entire argument:
But here in America, we live in a free society where the news media is not controlled by the state - except for the fact that the government controls the licenses to the broadcast spectrum. Some governmental rules then apply to those licensees, of course, but unless the government is prepared to completely dictate content (like the Lefties did in the Soviet Union), the fairness doctrine cannot work. Companies which broadcast are businesses. And in a free society - again, this is a still a free society, and in a free society you have free market capitalism, otherwise you're society cannot really be free.
Okay, let's look at Marsh's argument: She says what's the harm if the "wingnuts" already have such a head start? Okay, that's a fair point, but then she argues that radio stations wouldn't keep a show on the air which wasn't any good. Um, with the Fairness Doctrine in place, they would have to. That's the main problem with the whole idea. In the name of "fairness" you give the public programs even if they don't want them. This argument would have a leg to stand on if only Air America had decent ratings, but instead, it's been a disaster.
Then, like a German car that goes from 0-to-60 in less than 6 seconds, Marsh descends into Leftist hate faster than you can say "Hail Stalin!" She rips into Rush Limbaugh for his alleged doctor shopping and for having "somebody else's penis-pills after his single man's holiday to an underage capital of the world."
Hmmm, interesting. What's her proof that Rush was cavorting with underage Dominican women? It's he's Rush Limbaugh, he had Viagra, he was in the Dominican Republic. Not exactly stellar journalism from someone who's lecturing us on fairness.
And you know what else is interesting. I looked over The Huffington Post, and I didn't see any entries offering an opposing view on Rush Limbaugh's personal life. Thank you and good night.
But the Fairness Doctrine isn't going to kill Rush or Hannity. With tens of millions of listeners and a dozen years head start, are they really in jeopardy? This is about something much bigger. The Fairness Doctrine would bring new competition to the radio airwaves at all levels all across this country. It wouldn't keep a show on that wasn't any good either. But even wingnuts like Rush and Sean would actually have to offer facts amidst their snide, condescending decent into propaganda, while having guests on to offer the opposite side. That's just too much work, especially for Rush, who hasn't broken a sweat, except when he was in trouble for allegedly doctor shopping pills, or when he got caught with somebody else's penis pills after his single man's holiday to an underage capital of the world.Wow. Okay, first off let's get one fact straight: The Fairness Doctrine would work and would be a good idea if all media was controlled by the state. If this were the Soviet Union in the early 1980s and they installed a Fairness Doctrine to allow non-communist views to be heard on Pravda, we in the West would have applauded.
But here in America, we live in a free society where the news media is not controlled by the state - except for the fact that the government controls the licenses to the broadcast spectrum. Some governmental rules then apply to those licensees, of course, but unless the government is prepared to completely dictate content (like the Lefties did in the Soviet Union), the fairness doctrine cannot work. Companies which broadcast are businesses. And in a free society - again, this is a still a free society, and in a free society you have free market capitalism, otherwise you're society cannot really be free.
Okay, let's look at Marsh's argument: She says what's the harm if the "wingnuts" already have such a head start? Okay, that's a fair point, but then she argues that radio stations wouldn't keep a show on the air which wasn't any good. Um, with the Fairness Doctrine in place, they would have to. That's the main problem with the whole idea. In the name of "fairness" you give the public programs even if they don't want them. This argument would have a leg to stand on if only Air America had decent ratings, but instead, it's been a disaster.
Then, like a German car that goes from 0-to-60 in less than 6 seconds, Marsh descends into Leftist hate faster than you can say "Hail Stalin!" She rips into Rush Limbaugh for his alleged doctor shopping and for having "somebody else's penis-pills after his single man's holiday to an underage capital of the world."
Hmmm, interesting. What's her proof that Rush was cavorting with underage Dominican women? It's he's Rush Limbaugh, he had Viagra, he was in the Dominican Republic. Not exactly stellar journalism from someone who's lecturing us on fairness.
And you know what else is interesting. I looked over The Huffington Post, and I didn't see any entries offering an opposing view on Rush Limbaugh's personal life. Thank you and good night.
You pigs took over the AM radio dial with a transparent disinformation agitprop operation which duped 20-50 million ignorant Americans with sheer lies and character assasination. No less than the prestigious Annenbery School of Communication at UPenn documented the horrifying extent to which you pumped absolute lies into a percentage of the American public which began to swing elections.
The result within 15 years was Walter Cronkite pronouncing our democracy dead, saying we no longer had the critical reasoning capability to support a democracy. And of course we see what you have to offer policy-wise, with all of the good this nation did in two World Wars completely reversed making us now the #1 pariah nation on the planet.
In short, you dumbed America down to a shrub.
greg - BWAHAHAHAHA! u r such a dupe!
first off u think that only dummies listen to rush et al, when the pew trust found that his audience is among the MOST educated of any in any medium. google it.
second: the lies are from the left - who are lying now about iraq as they did about vietnam. i know: i am 50 and was a dove leftie then. repeat: vietnam was noble, and was being won miltiaroly when the leftie doves pulled th plug on our allies of south vietnam. a million boat people FLED vietnam. nobody took boats to get in.
REPEAT: vietnam was ended due to the LYING MSM and the LYING left. and the same LYING MSM and LYING left is at it today: kerry; teddy; clinton; chomsky; the nytimes -- LIARS ALL. read FAILING TO WIN. google it.
AP has been LYING and AIDING THE ENEMY for at least the last year. nerarly ALL their so called news reports about atrocities of sectarian strife in baghdad WERE LIES.
third: nobody is forced to watch TYV or listen to the radio.
if there was a need for more leftist radion then AIR AMEICA would have succeeded. it failed. WHY?! because lefties can get all the leftist bullshit they want form the MSM.
fourth: you write: "we no longer had the critical reasoning capability to support a democracy" YOU ARE FREAKIN' PROJECTING BUDDY! google it.
FIFTH - u freakin DUPE: we have plenty to offer here at TAB: we chime in with policy ideas all the trime and are often veryt critical of bush.
Bush has been a freakin liberal WIMP and a pussy in this war: FDR and truman wouldna ever let al sadr live; they woulda flattened ramadi and fallujah with bombs and fireballs.
YUP: Dubya stands for wimp: we shoulda nuked tora bora, too.
i suggest you start actually LISTNEING to rush. YOU WILL LEARN SOMETHING: that the left and the MSM has been lying to you.
buhbyeee, dupe!
oh and greg crocker: the euroweenies HATED us during the reagan era too.
i f you think we are a pariah nation u are traitorous scum.
Bush has liberated 50 million people so far and hold oput the promise to hundreds of millions more.
ungrateful scum like you and the euroweenies will never appreciate it. who cares:Z people like bush tyr to do the right thing, not please asshole lefties like you.
YEAH: bush is a wimp, fighting with half-measures, but at least he is fighting the good fight.
all assholes like you do is apologize for tyrannies.
eff off.
calling us HITLERIAN!?!? sheesh.
listen fuckwad: hitler was a SOCIALIST!
now fuck off.
Wow, this post really got under some skin. What does that tell you?
yo popinjay.
i go off on anybody who goes off on us.
criticism is welcome, but not bullshit.
the lefties REALLY want to silence us. it's their reflexive action: call it the nanny-state and/or call it big brother.
i feel very silenced out here in NYC - which is as stalinist as SF. if i said boo at the office i'd get fired ASAP.
in fact - i think they found out i blog and are pissed off at me for being a hawk.
gore's refusal to debate lonborg (in copenhagen this week)and carter's refusal to debate desrshowitz proves this, too.
I wasn't talking about you relia, I was talking about our defensive friends on the Left. The venom they're spewing shows they know they're on the wrong side of the issue.
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