Thursday, July 02, 2009

French Jet Did Not Break Up in Flight, Report Says

From the New York Times:

LE BOURGET, France (AP) -- A French investigator says speed sensors were a factor but were not the cause of the crash of Air France flight 447.

Alain Bouillard, leading the investigation into the June 1 crash for the French accident investigation agency BEA, says the sensors, called Pitot tubes, were not the only factor.

He says ''it is an element but not the cause.''

One of the automatic messages emitted by the plane indicates it was receiving incorrect speed information from the external monitoring instruments, which could destabilize the plane's control systems. Experts have suggested those external instruments might have iced over.

All 228 people aboard the plane were killed when it plunged into the ocean en route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.

This is a very strange development. A witness had said he saw a "flash of white light". Was he simply mistaken?

Reliapundit has proposed that Al Qaeda may have figured out to smuggle some sort of electronic disabling device on board.

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