Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Pork Lite presents... Real Men of Congress.

Real men of Con-gress...

Today we salute you, Senator Immigration Reform... Reformer...

Senator Immigration Reform... er... Reform-er...

Your DREAM Act rewards illegal immigrants and their kids with amnesty and in-state tuition if they can evade the police for five years...

Never mind that the rest of us will have to pay for their healthcare, social security, and government services 'til 2070...

It's only sixty-three years...

You casually ignore massively underfunded social security and Medicare programs...

While berating your opponents for failing to fund illegal immigrants' education, healthcare, and retirement...

It's for the children...

You passed a border fence law a year ago that authorized 900 miles of fencing...

...and your crack construction team has only managed to build a mile a month.

It'll be done in 2070, too...

Yet you can't figure out why your office phone lines are jammed when you try to sneak a 4,000 page shamnesty bill into law over a long weekend...

Or why protesters line the Thanksgiving Day parade route and hurl turkey bones and stuffing at you.

How about you build the damn fence...?

So crack open an ice-cold box of cheap wine, oh Senator Open Borders. We know that no matter what we say, you'll vote any way the lobbyists tell you.

Senator Immigration Reform... er... Reform-er...

Real Men of Congress is, unfortunately, true.

Cross-posted at Doug Ross @ Journal

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