Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Islamics and Leftists have a "logic" that serves their needs, not truth

With projection and denial prominent. Excerpt:

In the unconscious mind, where symmetrical logic rules the night, the stronger the emotion one is feeling, the more "symmetrical deductions" are likely to occur. For example, as Bomford writes, on a deep unconscious level, "one who hates has to believe that his or her hatred is returned." Note that this is a logical operation, only based upon a different sort of logic. This logic is no doubt the source of the psychotic fear of Israel in the Islamic world. Their unconscious hatred is so profound that it simultaneously reverses the relation, so that they can't help perceiving that Israel hates them. But Israelis just want to shop, raise their families, or read the Torah. They couldn't care less about Muslims, except to the extent that bloodthirsty Muslim barbarians harbor murderous rage toward them.

It's fine to hate evil, but in the Islamic world, what is hated is transformed into evil. Something is not hated because it is evil, but evil because it is hated. One could say the same of the left, which habitually fears what it eternally hates. The left cannot be comprehended unless one appreciates the extent of their unbound hatred. Once this is grasped, what seems illogical is suddenly seen to obey the dictates of symmetrical logic. For example, the unconscious feeling that I hate America and want us to lose in Iraq is transformed to General Petraeus is a traitor, or I am a racist becomes America is racist, or I am unbearably envious becomes the wealthy are engaged in class warfare against me!

Another characteristic of the unconscious is that it is timeless, in the sense that it can reverse temporal relations. For example, in the unconscious mind, if A is the cause of B, B can also be the cause of A. Thus, "before" and "after" become meaningless. Therefore, although we were inexcusably attacked by Islamists on 9-11, within minutes, leftists were saying that the real reason for the attack was that we had done something to offend Muslims.

Likewise, throughout the Cold War, leftist scholars wrote "revisionist" histories, in which the United States was the cause of the Cold War, or at least equally responsible for it. You will notice that there are no conservative revisionists who write, for example, that blacks were the cause of their own lynching, or that Japanese Americans were the cause of their own internment. You can only think in this manner if you are pathologically under the sway of unconscious symmetrical logic.

Also in the unconscious mind, there is no distinction between the memory of something that actually occurred vs. the memory of a fantasy. Here we can understand how and why the left is so prone to mythologizing the past, as their fantasies are mingled with reality. Thus, no amount of reality and asymmetrical logic will ever convince them that FDR made the Great Depression worse, not better, or that the black family only began to disintegrate after the imposition of all the "Great Society" programs of the mid to late '60s. No amount of logic could convince a leftist that his policies harm the "little guy," since his ruling myth, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, is that he is here to rescue the hapless little guy (for whom the leftist always feels rich contempt in the unconscious mind, contempt which only seeps out everywhere).

One thing you will notice about the left is that they are passionate. Because the left is guided by feelings and intentions, they are blind to the results of their actions. If their feelings are infinitely good, then in the unconscious mind, the results must also be infinitely good.

As I have written before, this is a religious passion in the absence of religion, so it has no traditional means to structure and channel it. Just as religion partakes of symmetrical logic in an adaptive way (i.e., the meek shall inherit the earth, the Golden Rule, humans are made in the image of the Creator, etc.), leftists do so in a terribly unhealthy way. That is, because of the intensity of their feelings, these feelings reach way down into the symmetrical realm, with no way to structure or make sense of them. This is why you always see so much highly charged, "unfiltered" unconscious material coming out of the left. To borrow a metaphor from someone, reading dailykos or huffington post is like taking a ride through a sewer in a glass bottom boat.




MB said...

Hold up a mirror, and you've got it exactly right.

DavidCyrus said...

I love the sentence: "You will notice that there are no conservative revisionists who write, for example, that blacks were the cause of their own lynching, or that Japanese Americans were the cause of their own internment."

...followed in the next paragraph with: "...FDR made the Great Depression worse, not better," and "the black family only began to disintegrate after the imposition of all the 'Great Society' programs..."

A mirror, indeed!

Vulture said...

I read these conservative blogs to try and figure out what conservatives are thinking, and all I ever hear is what they think I am thinking.

Maybe they should read liberal blogs if they want to know what liberals think?

If Freud were still alive he could get a whole book out of this one screed.

bonerici said...

vulture it is indeed puzzling that republicans always talk about what liberals think and feel, like with ann coulter's books, "If democrats had any brains," "Godless, the church of liberalism", "Liberal lies", "Liberal Treachery", "High Crimes and Misdemeanors", there's a lot about what liberals think, not much about what it means to be a republican.

i think that's what being a republican is today. it's not defined with any particular monetary policy or social program, to be a republican you have to hate liberals.

Now if you think about it that way, then of course conservatives need to talk about liberals all the time, they must and need to definte what a liberal is clearly and precisely, because that's the single defining chracteristic of the conservative movement: anti-liberalism.

Which seems kind of boring, but does have a certain amount of intellectual honesty.

Reliapundit said...

not one of you liberal idiotarian scumbags addressed a single factual point in the post.

for instance, this:

"...FDR made the Great Depression worse, not better," and "the black family only began to disintegrate after the imposition of all the 'Great Society' programs..."

is absolutley factually correct.

the latter part of the quote was said by - more or less - moynihan.

the prior part is juts fucking fact: the deporession was worse in 1940 than in 1932; all 8 yeasr of fdr's leftism accomplished was to makes things worse.

look it up.

you idiot lefties are dupes still trapped by the LIES of the left.

you can wake up.

i did.

until you do you are all willfully remaining morons.

Reliapundit said...

btw: you fucking lib idiots; the post was lifted/excerpted from here:


tristero said...

"The left is guided by feelings and intentions, they are blind to the results of their actions. If their feelings are infinitely good, then in the unconscious mind, the results must also be infinitely good. "

That's the funniest thing I've heard in years. Or rather, it would be funny if it didn't fit George W. Bush so perfectly, the president who rules by his gut and by what the "infinitely good" God tells him to do.

Regarding Roosevelt, you might want to talk to my 98 year old father, who has voted Republican at least as often as Democratic. He recalls the Depression rather well, seeing as how he was among the poorest of the poor. And he recalls rather well the positive effects of Roosevelt's presidency, whom he deeply admires to this day.

Ah, rightwing revisionist history, it's so reliably and consistently wrong.

Unknown said...

A few sentences excepted, you could replace "left" with "right" and "liberal" with "conservative" to make your post make perfect sense to progressives.

To me, that means that your post says everything about your own biases, and nothing about "the Liberal Mind."