Monday, March 26, 2007

Inherited Rights

Palestinians are claiming the "right of return" is an inherited right.
The right of return “is my right, which I have inherited from my parents and grandparents,” said Maha Bseis, 39, a Palestinian whose family comes from Jerusalem. “But if I have the right, I will not return because I was born and grew up here.”
There is no such thing as an inherited right along the lines the Palestinians claim.

In any case the whole idea is bogus. When 5 Arab Armies attacked Israel in 1948 the Israelis asked the Arabs living in Israel to stay. The attacking Arab Armies asked the Israeli Arabs to leave to make fighting easier. Those that stayed are Israeli citizens. Those that left are not. I think that is a pretty good resolution of the problem. No residency, no rights.

Other wise the Sudenten Germans will be asking for return and recompense. Or the Jews driven out of Arab countries for that matter.

H/T Israpundit

Cross Posted at Power and Control

1 comment:

Reliapundit said...

how true.

there were MILLIONS and MILLIONS f refugees after ww2.

the ONLY so called refugees who have not been resettled in permanent situations in te whole world are the so called palestinians (the palestinian ARABS, that is).

many have been in UN refugee camps ever since then!

and the UNRWC (if that is the correct abbrvtn?) has been "aidiing" them ever since: mostly aiding them by keeping them in horrible camps, and by helping them teach hate in their schools.

the "right of return" for these folks is really all about destroying Israel - just like FATAH's charter - which Abbas the so called moderate has never changed.

the arabs have cynically and selfishlessly exploited the so called arab refugees ever since 1948 - both to keep these palis out of their own national mix, and to keep the heat on Israel.

the fact is, that between 1967 and 1993 (BEFORE OSLO BROUGHT ARAFAT BACK INTO THE TERRITORIES) the territories has one of the fastest growing economies and annualized standard of living increases in the entire world. certainly the best in the M.E. - excluding Israel.

they were better off economically "UNDER" Israeli rule then before or since.

they were better off than all other Arabs.

when Arabs choose to have their children live better lives (rather than perpetuate HATE and RACISM) then they will stop teaching hate and make peace with Israel.

it is ALL up to the palis.

they must TRUN AWAY from hate and war.

and part of this will require them to give up on "the right of return."
