There's a war. It involves two sides.
Half of the West has rejected war since WW1. (More on this HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.) The costs of WW1 were so high and so demoralizing that many people came to reject modernity and seek a post modern ethos - one which rejected capitalism, nationalism, and Judeo-Christian traditionalism - because they were blamed for WW1. These people - post modernists - embraced transnational multi-lateralism, cultural and moral relativism, and pacifism. These are the people of the Left. They are Fifth Column for the enemy because they make it nearly impossible for the ENTIRE West to unite, use all our military force effectively and deafeat our utterly ruthless and totally committed foes.
WW2 would have been lost except for Churchill - who unlike the rest of post modern Europe - wouldn't surrender to Nazism. CHURCHILL (mp3 at this link, for those interested):
As long as our MSM and our State Department and our CIA are all dominated by post modern leftists (people like Fernandez and Plame - and Richard Kerry, John's father) we will be unable to successfully summon up the WILL TO WIN AND THE RESOLVE TO USE WHATEVER MEANS WE MUST IN ORDER TO DEFEAT THE ENEMY. Because people like Plame sabotage our efforts.
Because post modernism is so pervasive - and dominates the Democrat Party and the MSM - we have been using half-measures against a ruthless enemy. And that is no way to win a war - and therefore it is no way to fight a war.
BUT IT'S WORSE THAN THAT: these "sophisticated" post modernists ACTUALLY advocate surrendering Iraq and the entire Middle East IRAN! (Hat tip Newsbusters, that link takes you to an article by one of the leading post modern leftist foreign policy wonks at the KENNEDY School at HARVARD.)
And based on the fact that there is next to NO SIGN that post modernists are losing any ground here in the USA, (and some signs they are gaining strength - look at the last election!), and based on the fact that there is no sign that either North Korea or Iran are suspending their nuclear weapons programs... I feel that based on conditions now present, the West will lose and the jihadoterrorists will win WW4.
And I feel that - at best - the USA will survive mostly free but only after having retreated into a fortress - much like is Israel today. And this will last for 1000 years. This Dark Age may very well be preceded by a major nuclear exchange - both terrorist-detonated and missile-launched. The enemy has given me no reason to believe they wouldn't use nukes as soon as they could.

Despite this likelihood, I will not relent. I will never give in. NEVER, NEVER NEVER NEVER, NEVER. And I pray Bush doesn't either. But even if he doesn't relent, if things are going ONLY as well as they are now, the the post modern Left and the MSM they dominate will help elect another Jimmy Carter president in 2008. And just as carter abandoned the Shah, this next leftist president will abandon Afghanistan and Iraq and Israel. And then Europe. And now, there is not even another Reagan or Thatcher or Pope John Paul II on the horizon.... hence the 1000 years... what a pity pity... such a pity. All we have to do is untie and fight back. And then... THERE IS NO CHANCE WE COULD LOSE. Such a pity.
The post modernists would rather modernity lost, then leftism. And they may very well get their wish - and grant Binladen his.
But we can defeat the Left and the jihadoterrorists. By demolishing the Left's stranglehold on the MSM. It was the MSM which portrayed the Tet Offensive as a loss for the USA despite the truth that it was a huge victory for the USA. Their defeatist propaganda became a self-fulfilling prophecy when the Democrat Party doves pulled the plug on our South Vietnamese allies in 1975 - two full years after the last US combat troop has left Vietnam.
The MSM and the Democrat Party and the enemy in Iran and in Iraq have successfully convinced the majority of Americans that the Iraq War has been a failure - WHEN IT HAS NOT BEEN ONE. And they will be desperately seeking to portray the Bush Surge as a failure. We mustn't let them get away with it again.
It's up to us. You and me. So spread the word: We will not let lies defeat us.
There's a war. It involves two sides.
One is willing to commit ANY atrocity, kill any number of people using any means they have at their disposal. And they are willing to accept any number of casualties - even use suicidal attackers willing to commit genocidal murder. And, they are willing to fight for decades if not centuries. No matter the costs.
The other side is not willing to commit any unnecessary collateral damage, and even warns the other side before a counter-attack. This side has much more powerful weapons, but will not use them. And they are not willing to accept comparatively low numbers of casualties, nor accept a number of casualties which is historically low. And they don't want to fight in any one location for more than a few years. And they expect to win and then change centuries old ethos of their foes in the same period of time.So, in a war between these two sides... WHICH SIDE WILL WIN? The other side. The enemy. The jihadoterrorists are gonna win unless the entire West adapts its ethos of war - and decides it's gonna stop fighting this war using half-measures and GO ALL-OUT FOR VICTORY.
Half of the West has rejected war since WW1. (More on this HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.) The costs of WW1 were so high and so demoralizing that many people came to reject modernity and seek a post modern ethos - one which rejected capitalism, nationalism, and Judeo-Christian traditionalism - because they were blamed for WW1. These people - post modernists - embraced transnational multi-lateralism, cultural and moral relativism, and pacifism. These are the people of the Left. They are Fifth Column for the enemy because they make it nearly impossible for the ENTIRE West to unite, use all our military force effectively and deafeat our utterly ruthless and totally committed foes.

Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.Which is exactly what happened. The USA saved the free World from 1000 years of darkeess under Nazi rule. CHURCHILL AGAIN:
Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war.Alas, not only do we have no Churchill now, but now, the post modern Left has permeated and dominates the MSM and the academy and the CIA, FBI and State department bureaucracies right here in the USA. The post modern Left was present then, but acted partly in the Free World's interest because the West was allied to the Marxist USSR, which had numerous agents in State and the OSS and the US Army doing his bidding - folks like Alger Hiss.
If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour."
As long as our MSM and our State Department and our CIA are all dominated by post modern leftists (people like Fernandez and Plame - and Richard Kerry, John's father) we will be unable to successfully summon up the WILL TO WIN AND THE RESOLVE TO USE WHATEVER MEANS WE MUST IN ORDER TO DEFEAT THE ENEMY. Because people like Plame sabotage our efforts.
Because post modernism is so pervasive - and dominates the Democrat Party and the MSM - we have been using half-measures against a ruthless enemy. And that is no way to win a war - and therefore it is no way to fight a war.
BUT IT'S WORSE THAN THAT: these "sophisticated" post modernists ACTUALLY advocate surrendering Iraq and the entire Middle East IRAN! (Hat tip Newsbusters, that link takes you to an article by one of the leading post modern leftist foreign policy wonks at the KENNEDY School at HARVARD.)
And based on the fact that there is next to NO SIGN that post modernists are losing any ground here in the USA, (and some signs they are gaining strength - look at the last election!), and based on the fact that there is no sign that either North Korea or Iran are suspending their nuclear weapons programs... I feel that based on conditions now present, the West will lose and the jihadoterrorists will win WW4.
And I feel that - at best - the USA will survive mostly free but only after having retreated into a fortress - much like is Israel today. And this will last for 1000 years. This Dark Age may very well be preceded by a major nuclear exchange - both terrorist-detonated and missile-launched. The enemy has given me no reason to believe they wouldn't use nukes as soon as they could.

The post modernists would rather modernity lost, then leftism. And they may very well get their wish - and grant Binladen his.
But we can defeat the Left and the jihadoterrorists. By demolishing the Left's stranglehold on the MSM. It was the MSM which portrayed the Tet Offensive as a loss for the USA despite the truth that it was a huge victory for the USA. Their defeatist propaganda became a self-fulfilling prophecy when the Democrat Party doves pulled the plug on our South Vietnamese allies in 1975 - two full years after the last US combat troop has left Vietnam.
The MSM and the Democrat Party and the enemy in Iran and in Iraq have successfully convinced the majority of Americans that the Iraq War has been a failure - WHEN IT HAS NOT BEEN ONE. And they will be desperately seeking to portray the Bush Surge as a failure. We mustn't let them get away with it again.
It's up to us. You and me. So spread the word: We will not let lies defeat us.
Not a very rosy picture. But accurate, IMO.
Mark Alexander has written a book with the title The Dawning of a New Dark Age: A Collection of Essays on Islam. Much of what you mention here is included in his book. See THIS.
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