Tuesday, January 04, 2005


INSTAPUNDIT just posted a link-filled on the looming battle over the Gonzales nomination by Bush for the AG. DRUDGE has a siren going on it, too. According to Glenn, LIMBAUGH was all over the story.

One MUST conclude: this will be the next knockdown drag-out partisan fight, and my money is on Bush and Gonzales - and not just because Bush is still an undefeated president.

Because the Democrats will come off as terrorist-coddling, ACLU-aping Lefties who want to treat terrorists - (non-uniformed enemy combatants who routinely violate all laws and norms of warfare, and who are legally NOT POWS by ANY stretch of the imagination) - as POWS who deserve an ACLU lawyer, the Fifth Amendment, and an air-conditoned cell. HECK: THE DEMOCRATS WILL PROBABLY TRY TO GET THEM ACLU LAWYERS AND GREEN CARDS AND THEN TRY TO REGISTER THEM AS DEMOCRATS!

Sure, sure, sure: the Lefties will whine: "we mustn't lower ourselves to the enemy's level; we must uphold our ideals, or the enemy has already won; we shopuld treat them they way we want to be treated."

BAH HUMBUG! These Jihadoterrorists cut off the heads of innocents; they desrve nothing except utter defeat -and the sooner, the better! If that means we have to play tough: SO BE IT!

Must I remind you that when our army liberated Dachau they SUMMARILY EXECUTED a few HUNDRED German Officers who ran the death camp?! Was it a war crime? NO.... JUST PUNISHMENT - swift and sure and true and just. AND fearful. And without shame.

Then again... that war was waged when the Democrats were in the White House - Democrats who had no trouble waging a just and powerfully deadly war against our enemies. And, FDR and Truman were unafraid to use the full force and might of the USA to defeat our enemies; they firebombed cities - dropped TWO A-bombs; (BTW: the fact that a second A-bomb had to be dropped PROVES that a "demonstration explosion" - or dropping just one - would have NEVER gotten the Japs to surrender! IT TOOK TWO!).

FDR and Truman would've voted for Bush - and they'd support Gonzales. Today's Democrat Party has more in common with Lindbergh and Oswald Mosley and Vidkun Quisling than they do with FDR and Truman and JFK.

If the Democrats turn the Gonzales confirmation hearing into a partisan battle they will just be nailing another nail in their own coffin. Deservedly so.

BTW: I AM A REGISTERED DEMOCRAT; HAVE BEEN SINCE 1974. But I won't be for long. I suspect more Democrats will be joining me as I exit the party if the party makes this fight.

1 comment:

Boxing said...

While many like you may chosse leaving the Democratic Party for good, I can't help to mourn the fact that liberals, lefties and socialists might one day take over a genuine American political force, enhancing their influence on our citizens.