Thursday, February 17, 2022

Muslims in France enraged over the focus on the Religion of Peace in this year's elections

As can only be expected when they cause such horrors through their very adherence to the world's most violent religion. The UK Mail (via Jihad Watch) has this report:
French Muslims have spoken of their fury as politicians have focused on Islam during the presidential election campaign, with one far-right candidate describing a town as ‘Afghanistan two hours from Paris’.

They fear that anti-Islamic rhetoric has now been normalised in France by far-right candidates such as Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen of the National Rally, with some Muslims saying they now live under ‘permanent suspicion’. [...]

The anger at anti-Muslim rhetoric in France comes after Zemmour caused a fresh outcry on Monday by describing the town of Roubaix in northern France as ‘Afghanistan two hours from Paris’.

Zemmour, who has twice been convicted of hate crimes for statements about Islam, told France Inter Radio: ‘French people who are Muslims must live in the French way and not consider that sharia law is superior to the laws of the republic.’

He made the comments after a French journalist who fronted a documentary about the rise of radical Islam in Roubaix was given police protection after receiving death threats over her investigation.

Ophélie Meunier, 34, revealed Sharia-compliant faceless children’s toys being on sale in the town, as well as restaurant booths to ‘shield’ women from the male gaze.

For Muslims, who make up almost nine per cent of the country’s mainland population, they have been made uneasy over the bursts of rhetoric against them during the presidential election campaign.

‘Sometimes I tell myself that no one can understand quite how violent this is,’ said Fatma Bouvet de la Maisonneuve, a psychiatrist of Tunisian origin and author of the book ‘An Arab Woman in France’.

Acknowledging that people can be tempted to turn in upon themselves, she said: ‘Frankly, sometimes we just want to meet among Arabs to tell each other how bad things are,’ she said….

‘I feel bad, very bad,’ said Khadija, who asked that her second name be withheld.

‘A few days ago, my five-year-old daughter told me that she did not like being Arab,’ she said, complaining of ‘living under permanent suspicion, no longer knowing what’s behind the baker’s smile, or what people really think’.
Zemmour was right to raise all these issues. Sooner or later, all hell is going to break loose, and it practically demonstrates how this whole world is on the way to collapse from all the PC fiascos that have taken place over past decades, and whose results we're now seeing in motion. And those Islamists who won't come to terms with how it's their Religion of Peace that's the cause of suspicion should be ashamed of themselves for refusing to acknowledge facts.

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