Friday, September 27, 2013


According to the Times of India/Reuters, a UN watchdog is supposed to inspect reports of further chemical weapon use in Syria:
AMSTERDAM: Experts from the world's chemical weapons watchdog will begin inspecting Syria's stockpile of toxic munitions by Tuesday, according to a draft agreement obtained by Reuters.

The draft, which is due to be voted on Friday night, calls on members of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to make cash donations to fund Syria's fast-tracked destruction operation. [...]

Syria is instructed to provide inspectors with security and "immediate and unfettered" access to all sites. A failure to do so will trigger a meeting by the OPCW's core members within 24 hours, the draft says.

A UN Security Council Resolution, also to be voted on Friday, does not refer to the use of force as a means to enforce the destruction plan, a point which Washington had pressed for.

The OPCW inspectors will have 30 days to visit all chemical weapons facilities declared by Syria to the organisation last week, it states.

It is still unclear where and how the chemicals stockpile, the details of which have not been made public by the OPCW, will be destroyed. For most countries, the process often takes years, but Syria has been given until mid 2014.
I doubt the UN will make any convincing effort to track and abolish the chemicals they've brewed, if they don't intend to take any convincing action against Syria's dictatorship. After all, when much of their councils are dominated by Islamofascists, then the chances are the chemicals might not be destroyed, but rather, secretly transferred to some other despot. We can't rule out the possibilities of that happening.

And one sure thing: no matter what happens, the UN is still going to remain a very corrupt outfit.

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