Monday, March 05, 2012

What Would Breitbart Do? Rally for Rush!

Jeffrey Lord's latest must-read in the American Spectator is a call to action to defend free speech, inspired by Andrew Breitbart's example. It traces the advertisers that have abandoned Rush's program, many after decades of support. Lord notes that only a pathetic 21 percent of Americans identify themselves as liberals. And he rightly observes that disenfranchising 79 percent of Americans is a decidedly flawed business strategy.

The time to be bullied is over. You hear me? It's over.

Here's how we're going to fight back against "The Sickly Seven", as I like to call the advertisers who abandoned Rush over calling the woman a "slut" when a more apt description would be "lying plant."

Sleep Train: This gutless company says it has been advertising with Rush for 25 years. They should be ashamed of themselves. Absolutely ashamed...
This is the e-mail for Sleep Train's customer service: customerservice@sleeptrain.com. This is the 800 phone number for Sleep Train: 1-800-919-2337. This is the 800 fax number for Sleep Train: 1-866-293-5719.

Legal Zoom: The Co-founders of this company are Brian Liu, Brian Lee, Eddie Hartman & Robert Shapiro... The address for e-mails is here. The Corporate Headquarters phone number is: 1-323-962-8600. The fax number is: 323-962-8300.

Citrix: Mark B. Templeton is the President and CEO... The contact info for the Citrix Corporate Headquarters is... Toll Free Phone: 1-800-424-8749, Phone: 954-267-3000, Fax: 954-267-9319.

Quicken Loans: Quicken, under the leadership of its Founder and Chairman Dan Gilbert.... has gone the extra mile to antagonize the 40 percent. It has this statement on its website: Due to Rush Limbaugh's continued inflammatory comments -- along with the valued feedback we have received from our clients and team members -- Quicken Loans has suspended all advertising on the Rush Limbaugh radio program.

Note: Quicken is so skittish the above message appears for mere seconds before vanishing. It took repeated tries to copy verbatim the simple, highly provocative message above.

The Quicken contact info is found on this page of their website. Note: The company has an online chat function on this page. Also: Phone, Client Relations: 1-800-863-4332.

Pro-Flowers: Their contact info is here.

Carbonite: ...contact info here...

...DO YOU GET the picture? The American Left -- whether it pops up in the form of Media Matters, Color of Change, MoveOn.org, Texans for Truth or other groups -- is determined to shut off conservative dissent from their agenda by whatever means necessary. Fueled in part by money like that they received from David Friend of Carbonite. To do this they are quite specifically going after conservative talk radio hosts and television commentators one by one by one. The fact that David Friend of MoveOn.org/Carbonite is there to stick it to Rush is all the better. The fact that Ed Schulz called Laura Ingraham a slut is one big no-big-deal to Sandra Fluke herself when she wants air time on with Mr. Ed. Why should David Friend care if Ms. Fluke doesn't? So, Carbonite continues as Mr. Ed's sponsor, sluts be damned.

As noted earlier, what began with Don Imus, Lou Dobbs, and Glenn Beck has just hit Pat Buchanan... Now, they want Rush's scalp...

In his last speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) just weeks ago, Andrew Breitbart stood at the podium and said: "Conservatives used to take it and we're not taking it anymore."

...By doing what they have now done, these one-time sponsors of Rush Limbaugh's show have now startlingly indicated that they are signing on with anti-First Amendment thugs.

We've got work to do, friends. It's time to Rally for Rush.

And, please: pass it on.

Hat tip: R.L.

1 comment:

Reliapundit said...

thanks for posting this here doug!