IT IS A FACT THAT: as chief of the IAEA, El Baradei might as well have been in cahoots with Iran for years - he was always running interference for them and the IAEA for all intents and purposes allowed Iran to go nuclear.
(BTW: He was director of the IAEA when Pakistan got their nukes and while the AQ Khan network expanded helping Libya, and while North Korea went nuclear. HECKUVA JOB MOHAMED!)
IMHO, this scenario and subtext makes sense:
In return for this - (and as part of the islamists overall plan to destroy the "Great Satan" and the "Little Satan", restore the Caliphate and subjugate the free world) - Iran agreed to see to it that El Baradei was installed as the next "Caliph of Cairo".
This plan has probably been in effect for at least 5 years - probably more: Iranians invented chess and are patient chess-players - patiently moving pieces in position over years.
El Baradei is probably not a jihadist, but he is most definitely a postmodern leftist who sees the USA and the West as evil - just as Obama's mentor at Columbia --- Edward Said --- did!) - and he probably is happy that Pakistan and soon Iran have nukes to be an effective counter-weight to USA hegemony.
El Baradei probably sees this as the only way to subjugate the USA and Israel to the will of the "international community."
And, he probably thinks he is using the Iranians to promote a postmodernist and socialist and UTOPIANIST world.
Hence, he probably thinks a nuclear Iran and an anti-American North Africa and Middle East is worth killing a few million or several million people through war and starvation.
And hence, this endeavor also worth driving up oil to $500 dollars a gallon.
YES: the postmodernists think that the USA and Israel and fossil fuels are so very evil that getting rid of them would be worth destroying the present world economy and bringing on a totally global and viciously kinetic final battle to WW4.

FACT: They have patiently and DIRECTLY been undermining us in Iraq - with aid to the Sadrists and IED's for example.
FACT: they have undermined us in Afghanistan - by aiding the Taliban.
FACT: they have been undermine us in Lebanon and in Syria.
NOW: By effectively taking Lebanon and Egypt, the Iranians are now in control of MOST the nations surrounding Israel.
As soon as they topple Jordan - which I expect to happen within the year, they will have surrounded Israel AND SAUDI ARABIA.
I believe this is something they intend on achieving by the time the USA exits Iraq.
The only way to stop the IRANIAN/ISLAMIST takeover of north Africa and the Middle East and the Gulf States - and 50% of the world's oil, and the Suez Canal, and HALF OF THE MEDITERRANEAN is to attack Iran and destroy that regime.
We have until about a year after we exit Iraq - now publicly scheduled for the end of 2011... which means we have until December 2012...
El Baradei is either a dupe of Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, or he thinks he's outsmarting them.
I think in matters not which.
He is functionally just like the islamist returning to Tunisia - probably to take over:
part of Iranian backed islamist hegemony -
In college I took a class taught by a postmodern leftist, who had us read Henry Giroux and similar thinkers, and constantly pushed what he called a "postmodern approach" to thought and action. At the end of the course, not only was I unsure of the real meaning of postmodernism, I've been unable to apply any ideas I may have accidentally picked up in that class, to my post-college life. It's wierd to contrast that reality, of a small educational movement struggling for some influence on the mainstream, with the paranoid and overblown fears of idiots like "Reliapundit", who seem to believe they're bent on world domination.
reliapundit = democrat since 1974; former socialist - raised by card-carrying communists; with a ba in philosophy and anthropology and a masters in history - earned in lkess than 2 years --- both from amjor universities.
iow: no idiot.
and no longer a dupe of the left or postmodernism.
so shut the fuck up.
reliapundit = democrat since 1974; former socialist - raised by card-carrying communists; with a ba in philosophy and anthropology and a masters in history - earned in lkess than 2 years --- both from amjor universities.
iow: no idiot.
and no longer a dupe of the left or postmodernism.
so shut the fuck up.
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