The MSM wouldn't publish the Mohamed cartoons.
Cartoons meant to reassert our freedom of speech.
They didn't want to offend Muslims.
But they're all publishing the Wikileaks.
Documents revealing state secrets which were never intended to be made public.
Documents that aid and abet jihadists and our other enemies and make us less safe as a result.
And threaten our allies.
This proves who the MSM is and what they want.
Total effin' anti-American, anti-West postmodern leftist scum.
Treasonous scum.
1 comment:
While the media certainly acted shamefully in its cowardice to publish the cartoons of Mohammed, the Bush "conservatives" who are now asking to shoot the messenger for taking out the dirty laundry of our politicians are no less of a treasonous scum, if not more so. Ultimately, all those Bush "conservatives" are as much of statists as their leftist "liberal" welfare state-worshiping counterparts. They are just the warfare state denomination of the Cult of the Omnipotent state.
I challenge any Bush "conservative" to try to address the points raised in this video:
Ultimately, to accuse people of "treason" for exposing the dirty laundry of politicians is as worthless as to accuse people of being "racist" for criticizing foreign cultures or of "hating the poor" for being against the welfare state. Nothing but a useless buzzword that adds nothing to the discussion. An ad-hominem. A logical fallacy.
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