OBAMACARE: "the bastard son of a hundred maniacs" - and it's a work in progress because the other 200 "progressive" maniacs in Congress want a piece of the action, too!
We posted on why it was doomed early last year: it's WAY too big, and - as a result- the public recognizes it as a revolution and not reform. No amount of tweaking and rewriting at this point can change that.
EVEN BETTER: Politically, it's a lose-lose for the left. And the longer they work on it the worse they appear.
HA HA.. I like the comment policy. =)
interesting concept with the picture. tail wagging the dog and what not.
Maybe a Pop-Up window for a comment box. I want to see your site again, but i cant till I am done writing here.
Love the Escher graphic. . .PERFECT illustration of current govt. Perhaps it can be enhanced with Obama as the eraser on the top of the writing instrument - erasing the constitution.
HA HA. Good one!
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