Remember how - while on the campaign trail 0n 9/11, and visiting Ground Zero with McCain - Obama just tossed his rose on the memorial?
I do. It was un-presidential. WATCH:
Remember how Obama gave a shout out to before even mentioning the terror attack at Fort Hood?
I do. It was un-presidential. WATCH:
Remember how he bowed to the King of Saudi Arab and how he bowed to the Emperor if Japan and how he bowed to the Mayor of Tampa?
I do. It was un-presidential each time. SEE FOR YOURSELF:

Remember how he interjected himself into a police matter in Cambridge Massachusetts?

And at the National Prayer Breakfast - while we are a nation in two wars and struggling out of a deep recession - he gave a partisan speech instead of a solemn unifying prayer.
It was un-presidential.
And every time he blames Bush instead of accepting responsibility he seems that much more un-presidential because there's nothing going on the the world now that he didn't know about before getting nominated; he shouldn't have sought the job if he wasn't ready to accept responsibility AND LEAD.
But perhaps he really thought he was ready.
So did his supporters.
Now, they ALL are disappointed - though many remain hopeful
We on the Right knew better.
We weren't duped. They were duped.
They didn't care about 3am phone calls. They were duped.
They didn't care about Wright or Ayers or Rezko or Blago or Geithner or Richardson or Daschle. They were duped.
Duped or not, though, eyes are opening up - and what do they see?
An un-presidential Obama.
You see, unlike being a college law professor or a state senator or a US Senator, being president is a job you can't hide in. You can't vote present. You can't be for IT before you were against IT.
Presidents have to make decisions - national decisions and decisions with grave international and global repercussions.
And how well you make these decisions and how strong you appear, how sure-footed and resolute, all have a bearing on how well you can continue to lead.
Obama has done poorly on all counts.
He failed at Obamacare. His Stimulus Plan was a failure. His budget is a failure. His Gitmo plans failed. His KSM plans failed.
And each failure - like each CORPSE-MAN gaffe and each inappropriate "shout out" - further diminishes his ability to appear presidential.
I frankly don't think Obama can recover.
I think his best shot would be to bring in Bill Daley, San Nunn, and Ed Rendell, but Obama and Axelrod and Soros won't do it. They're too committed to the Leftist agenda to tack to the center and take control of the nation and appear presidential.
Obama is still a "community organizer" in his heart and sol, still an Alinsky agitator more at home in the corrupt precincts of the Chicago Machine than the hallowed halls of Congress on the dangerous seas of global politics.
His out of his league - him and his advisors - and it shows.
It's why Obama is so irreparably un-presidential.
And remember how he bowed to the Burger King. And he salivating thinking of the time when he'll be able to bow to the McDonalds Clown!
First, kiddo, check your own spelling...but I will forgive you that for the anger you have, as have I, with this idiotic excuse for our president.
But I have a legitimate question. Why is the MSM still shoving this a**wad in my face )pur faces) every day, all the day long?
I really feel they should be taken to task for this, Hmmm?
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