They would ultimately dictate which services are offered, to whom, to what extent, and which insurance companies survive and which fail. It gets even better: ACORN, administering the co-ops, would use state Medicaid to usher in fully socialized medicine. Yeah!
Here's the deal: 'co-ops' are a Trojan horse for the public option. Co-ops would be administered through 'exchanges' by 'navigators.' 'Navigators' are community organizations, i.e., ACORN.
Robert M. Goldberg, VP of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest and founder of Hands Off, writes in the American Spectator:
Specifically, [American Enterprise Institute health scholar Tom] Miller notes that health exchanges will be used to limit what Americans can spend on health care each year by deciding what type of benefits they will receive, the plans they can choose from, and how much health plans can charge.That means less care and less choice. If Chairman Obama wanted to improve health care, make health care more efficient or affordable or available to more people, or open up a national insurance market he would be pushing DeMint's plan to open it up across state lines. He and his criminal cronies want to enslave us.
Health exchanges are, in one respect, just another name for the Health Alliances that regulated health plans under the Clinton health proposal. In Clintoncare, as in current proposals, only qualified health plans would be eligible to sell insurance inside an alliance (exchange) and would be required to cover all the benefits a National Health Board (Health Choices Commission) established for a certain amount of money per person.
Exchanges would also have the power to implement premium targets, control the rate of premium increases through regulation, or impose taxes on high-cost health plans consistent with federal regulations.
Instead exchanges reduce the number of private health plans by controlling prices and the introduction of new technology. Moreover, exchanges also have significant power to introduce an "all-payer" system if other health care plans are deemed not affordable. The House health bill allows the Health Choice commission to terminate state exchanges that do not meet federal standards of price and benefits. The Baucus bill, by letting the exchange regulate premium rates and benefits levels, paves the way for the steady erosion of private coverage as well.Here's where ACORN comes in:
Best of all, the establishment of and enrollment in these exchange-sponsored public plans would be aided by a familiar nonprofit organization.Nothing about this bill is remotely redeemable. It is criminal though and through. It must be stopped in any form and everyone who supports it must be removed from office.
Exchanges have to contract with "navigators" -- nonprofit organizations that know health care and know how to enroll hard to reach people [like 13-year-old El Salvador sex slaves and the like -- ed.]. Enter Nets2Ladders, "a powerful, automated benefits enrollment platform" designed to "increase the efficiency and effectiveness of enrolling low-income families in federal and state benefits programs" such as Medicaid and SCHIP. By January 2010, all 50 states will be covered by this platform. And nearly 26 states have contracts with the group that administers the program already.
The organization? ACORN of course. No organization is better suited to be a health exchange "navigator." Which tells you everything you need to know about the real intent and impact of health exchanges.
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