Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Of all the filthiest acts the MSM could commit in their demonization of Rifqa Bary, not to mention the "parents" themselves, do you know what they've done now? They've given her diaries to the Orlando Sentinel to publish. Of course, there's the question if anything extra was fabricated in their drive to demonize her.

Is this what real parents do? Is this what any decent person does, to expose someone else's private properties, which is a violation of privacy? This is most truly disgusting, and Rifqa's counsel should sue the paper over this. Come to think of it, they should sue the "parents" as well. This exposes the "parents" as the attention-hungering hatemongers they really are. Such vile characters should be shunned and ostracized by any and all sensible society.

Update: Rusty at the Jawa Report has some extra things to observe on the case, including a certain blogmaster's surprising irresponsibility in how he addressed Rifqa's defenders.

Update 2: Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch have a new video of Rifqa from last May that's also interesting for viewing, as well as the following statement by Bruce Bawer for the Intl. Free Press Society and Free Thinking Films about Europe's multiculturalists:
And in many cases they shamefully close their eyes to honor killings. The murders by parents and siblings, of girls and women who in some cases doing no more than looking at a boy the wrong way, have according to Islamic beliefs, soiled family honor. European authorities are so much a prisoner of multiculturalism that they could actually believe that their obligation in such matters is not to protect innocent children from brutality, but to display sensitivity to cultural difference.

Within Muslim communities, there are only a very few unimaginably bold men and women, who dare to speak out against the traditional sharia based autocracy of the Mullahs and Imams. And when they did so, they were not defended, let alone praised for it by the government, media or by professors,but were rather accused of betraying their people and rocking the boat. Take the writer Whalid Al-Kalbaisi, who came to Norway from Iraq many years ago, and has recounted a conversation he had with the Ethnic Norwegian Director at what Al-Kalbaisi described as an "international cultural center".

This cultural bureaucrat plainly thought of himself as being devoted heart and soul to the welfare of immigrants, but when Al-Kalbaisi raised the question of the freedom of Muslims to criticize or even leave their own religion, the cultural bureaucrat was displeased. "You are a Muslim Whalid", he said, "and you must not lose your identity. " "But do you believe", Whalid asked, "that I will lose my identity if I believe in the freedom of expression?" "Listen" the man replied, "this is something that you decide yourself, but your attitude causes a lot of problems. We want to create a multicultural society and we don't want to dissolve these foreign cultures, your attitude alters all our plans, it creates conflicts between immigrants.
I think that's telling of what Norway for one has in mind for its own country.

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