Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Krauthammered! The Race Card is the "Last Refuge of the Liberal Scoundrel."


Update: pic from NewsReal.

He also diagnosed Maureen Dowd's schizophrenia. Will he call her on her malignant narcissism and retardation, too?

Actually, he touched upon her mental deficiencies when he called an ad hominem an ad hominem, thereby implying that she necessarily lacks any and all logical faculties, which is the single most definitive symptom of metal retardation, particularly among the semi-functional. I write 'semi-' because these are not the fashion choices of a fully functional human being:
I do find it encouraging that orthodox liberals at least de facto acknowledge that Obama is a fraud.

I will bet anyone $10 right now that the New Duranty Times fails to report, as they consistently do, on the actual racism and actual racist hate crimes which have taken place in America over the course of the last few days but continue to pound away at a nonsensical straw man: those who believe in our founding documents and principles but apparently only do so out of an irrational hatred for a self-proclaimed white guy.

I won't hold my breath for anyone at the New Duranty Times to report on the vicious beating of a white kid on a schoolbus as all the other kids cheered...

...Or the defacement of two Seattle-area synagogues...

...Or the defacement a Virginia Jewish center.

I doubt they'll even report that a judge granted bail to a neo-Nazi.

And clearly, Rifqa Bary's continued existence is quite inconvenient for them, too, so I don't foresee them reporting on the death threats against her.

Nope, the liberal orthodox press is too busy overplaying the race card with increasing irrationality, thereby conceding debate after debate. Thanks, moonbats.

Now watch the video again. It gets better every time.

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